Plenary Session XBRL Europe EU Business Register Working Group (Thomas Verdin, xEBR WG Chair) Thursday, 13 December 2012
XBRL Europe EU Business Register Working Group Purpose : Increase the coordination and interoperability for European Business Register's XBRL efforts and taxonomies Scope : All economic and legal data for companies operating or registered in the European Union Audience : o Members of the European XBRL Jurisdictions o Business Registrars and Annual Accounts Registrars in the European Union o Lawyers and accountants for companies from the European Union o Software developers companies that provide or use legal and economical data
XBRL Europe EU Business Register Working Group Our new website
Workshop 1 : Non-financial concepts required by the EU directive on BR Interconnection Directive 2012/17/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June numdoc=32012L0017 Our taxonomy xebr V7 last change : BACH scheme How to analyze and to link these taxonomies with our xEBR core reference taxonomy ? The Italian experience by Paola FUMIANI
Workshop 2 : Non-financial data for “green reporting” Summary of the latest information given in Yokohama on the non-financial taxonomies Overview of the GRI/CDP concepts by Paul HULST and / or Dave VAN DEN ENDE Objectives : re-use the non-financial concepts o Content of GRI (global reporting initiative) taxonomy by Paul HULST o Content of CDP (Carbon disclosure project) taxonomy by Pedro Faria o Corporate and social responsibility (Italy) o General Data and MONNET (Spain) o Sustainability