Hot Topics Liz Thomas Wednesday 17 th August 2011
Workforce Planning Process for within the LDAs Workforce Assurance Process and Patient Safety Data Quality and new measures going forward with NHS IC / Woven ESR and TCS and the impact on the ESR DW eWIN updates and exciting new developments Maximising opportunities in this network Health Visitors
Regional modelling Trust input Information will be released in due course
Workforce Assurance Patient Safety
Process template circulated for comment Plans assured at provider / trust level Operational assurance and patient safety systems Medical Director and Director of Nursing sign off Chief Executive Sign Off Multiple level assurance Developing on-line tool and trigger metrics Building on good practice from across the region and NHS England
Quality and Safety Dashboard (BH) Workforce and Patient Safety Assurance Process Performance Dashboards (ET) Quality Observatory Dashboards for Acute Providers West Midlands Workforce Assurance Tool and Triggers FIMS Financial Performance and Annual Accounts ESR Data Warehouse Corporate and QIPP Dashboards (MB) Benchmarking Knowledge Case-studies Experience NHS Business Plans Finance Activity Workforce Integrated Plans
Liz Thomas, Senior Workforce Analyst WOVEN Data Reports: North West Priority Areas
The latest version of the Data Quality Bulletin (July 2011) is now available on eWIN You can download it from eWIN if you are a registered user here If you are not a member, drop an to and we can you one. Please remember your trust data quality scores are on the QIPP dashboards.
In the new WOVEN report pilot, the North West has dropped to third place SOURCE: NHS IC WOVEN Pilot Data Quality Report TIME FRAME: As at 31 st July 2011 MEASURE: Data Quality Rank
Leavers Due to the business imperative of TCS & the high error count in the NW Equality & Diversity Cumulatively there is a high error count of these fields being left blank Nursing and Midwifery Cumulatively there is a high error count & a concern that these priority staff groups have incorrect banding (lower than Band 5) Medical & Dental Staff North West value for these items are ranked 9 to 11 (out of 12) Area of Work With the business imperative of TCS, dealing with ad-hoc requests requiring this categorisation and due to the high error count
North West national ranking of priority areas
Data quality project plan in place to improve North West rank Trust feedback has been sought to identify issues effecting data quality e.g. TCS, capacity Data quality steering group to help trusts lead the data quality improvement agenda eWIN WebEx on data quality ESR Workforce Management SIG Workforce Planners meetings Please contact
Transforming Community Services: ESR and eWIN
Delays experienced in delivering the monthly data refresh in eWin This is due to… Impact of TCS on workforce metrics e.g. Turnover, Sickness Absence Requirements for rigorous checking of data due to TCS restructures Capacity issues within the data warehouse, resulting in slower report processing times.
NHS NW Swap Shop Live, Haydock – 15 th Sept Centre for Workforce Intelligence Conference, Leeds – 12 th Oct HIECs Conference, Wigan – 13 th – 14 th Oct Workforce Modernisation Hub Event, Reebok – 19 th Oct NHS Employers Conference, Liverpool – 15 th -16 th Nov eWin Forum – useful platform for discussion and sharing of information. Pilots with Yorkshire and Humber and East of England trusts Interest from NHS South Central Development steering group to focus and aid the development of new tools e.g. Pay-bill Analyser Age-profilers e-Workforce Planning e-Workforce Assurance and Patient Safety
Health Visiting Update: