1 MEETINGS Formal Formal Informal Informal
2 Informal Meetings Informal Meetings Impromptu Impromptu Very short notice Very short notice Ideal for discussing issues frankly and reaching decisions quickly Ideal for discussing issues frankly and reaching decisions quickly Used to resolve minor problems Used to resolve minor problems
3 Informal Meetings [contd.] Informal Meetings [contd.] Small Informal Meetings Small Informal Meetings Planned Planned Useful for discussing, problem solving and giving feedback Useful for discussing, problem solving and giving feedback Use informal brainstorming sessions Use informal brainstorming sessions
4 Formal Meetings Formal Meetings TYPE CHARACTERISTICS BOARD MEETING Usually comprises Usually comprises of its Directors of its Directors Regular intervals, once in a month, to discuss company’s business, in a board room Regular intervals, once in a month, to discuss company’s business, in a board room Chaired by the chairperson, elected according to the rules of the company Chaired by the chairperson, elected according to the rules of the company
5 TYPE CHARACTERISTICS STANDING COMMITTEE Subgroup of the board Subgroup of the board Given responsibility for recurring tasks Given responsibility for recurring tasks Meets regularly Meets regularly Board may authorize it to act in its place Board may authorize it to act in its place Reports back to the board Reports back to the board
6 TYPE CHARACTERISTICS ONE – OFF COMMITTEE Issues that need special attention Issues that need special attention Meets more frequently Meets more frequently Needs to involve only the necessary individuals Needs to involve only the necessary individuals Can meet as and when required Can meet as and when required
7 TYPE CHARACTERISTICS PUBLIC MEETING Open to anyone Open to anyone To consult the public on various issues To consult the public on various issues All members of public are invited All members of public are invited Advertised in newspapers, public libraries and magazines Advertised in newspapers, public libraries and magazines Agenda usually consists of one main point Agenda usually consists of one main point
8 TYPE CHARACTERISTICS CONFERENCE Several presentations on one theme Several presentations on one theme Open for public or restricted for a group Open for public or restricted for a group Information to a large number of people at once Information to a large number of people at once Little scope for discussion or audience participation Little scope for discussion or audience participation
9 TYPE CHARACTERISTICS EXTERNAL MEETING One group from one organization and another from outside One group from one organization and another from outside Confidentiality - an important issue Confidentiality - an important issue Can be held on neutral grounds Can be held on neutral grounds
10 TYPE CHARACTERISTICS AGM Yearly gathering of company’s directors and shareholders Yearly gathering of company’s directors and shareholders Business during the past year and future plans Business during the past year and future plans Share holders can question company directors about performance Share holders can question company directors about performance Directors seek approval of annual accounts, discuss future policies Directors seek approval of annual accounts, discuss future policies
11 TYPE CHARACTERISTICS EGM Called anytime if the shareholders’ approval is needed for immediate action Called anytime if the shareholders’ approval is needed for immediate action Share holders are given certain amount of notice Share holders are given certain amount of notice Rules are the same as of AGM Rules are the same as of AGM
12 SELECTING A MEETING PURPOSECONSIDERATIONTYPE Information Reports, instructions, changes concerns up to three people four or more people requires feedback and discussion keeps company directors updated involves shareholders informing as many people as possible speakers providing information Informal Formal Informal or Formal Formal AGM or EGM Public Conference
13 PURPOSECONSIDERATIONTYPE Resolving problems Handling grievances Handling grievances Making Decisions Choosing between options Choosing between options concerns only one person requires input from many or a team concerns urgent problem quick discussion involves recurring business matters discussion at the highest level authorization from shareholders One-to-One One-off- Committee Impromptu Formal Board AGM or EGM s
14 PURPOSECONSIDERATIONTYPE Encouraging ideas Generating creative solutions Generating creative solutions needs creative ideas to be discussed needs fresh ideas to be generated quickly needs reports on issues Informal Brainstorming Sessions Formal
15 RUNNING A MEETING Positive course Positive course Of action Prompt and positive Start Kept within time Limit Attendees contribute effectively Negative course Negative course Of action Participants arrive late Deviations from agenda occur Dissensions between Dissensions between participants occur participants occur Open the meeting Discuss issues on the agenda in turn Obtain opinions on each issue
16 All options are explored Compromise is negotiated Points are recapped and agreed Bickering is allowed to continue Debate ends in a deadlock a deadlock Meeting is Meeting is inconclusive inconclusive Move towards objectives Reach a decision Close the meeting
17 Seating participants Seating participants Meeting one to one Meeting one to one Supporting - at right angles Supporting - at right angles Collaborative - next to the other person Collaborative - next to the other person Confronting - on opposite sides Confronting - on opposite sides
18 Seating groups Seating groups Negotiation or Confrontation - rectangular table, neutral chairperson in the centre Negotiation or Confrontation - rectangular table, neutral chairperson in the centre Hierarchy - chairperson at the head of the table Hierarchy - chairperson at the head of the table Informal, Non-hierarchical - round table Informal, Non-hierarchical - round table
19 Tactical Seating Participants are influenced by the people they are near to Participants are influenced by the people they are near to Controversial issues - split up factions Controversial issues - split up factions Learn to read other attendees aims from where they sit Learn to read other attendees aims from where they sit
20 Observing Seating Observing Seating Good sight of all Play an active role Weak opinion, uninvolved Confronting chairperson, strong opinions Sharing views of confident, strong speaker Strong position of chairperson to control discussion Traditional position of privilege to the right of the chairperson Play an active role
21 Preparing practicalities Organize the venue Organize the venue Choose audio-visual aids Choose audio-visual aids Provide writing aids Provide writing aids
22 Attending a meeting Attending a meeting Gather information Gather information Identify opposition Identify opposition Prepare for negotiation Prepare for negotiation Gain confidence Gain confidence
23 Participate strongly Participate strongly Listen attentively Listen attentively Respect others Respect others Tailor your speech Tailor your speech Reprimand the chairperson Reprimand the chairperson
24 How to reprimand the Chairperson? How to reprimand the Chairperson? Informal methods Informal methods ask the group to withdraw cooperation ask the group to withdraw cooperation suggest attendees that the chairperson is unreasonable suggest attendees that the chairperson is unreasonable appeal to a superior to appoint a new chairperson appeal to a superior to appoint a new chairperson
25 How to reprimand the Chairperson? [contd.] How to reprimand the Chairperson? [contd.] Formal methods Formal methods Reconvene another meeting to appoint a anew chairperson Reconvene another meeting to appoint a anew chairperson Inform the chairperson about their negligence and improper attitude Inform the chairperson about their negligence and improper attitude Suggest that the members take a vote of no confidence Suggest that the members take a vote of no confidence
26 Chairing a meeting Chairing a meeting Informal Informal Ensure that all attendees contribute Ensure that all attendees contribute Listen to the views of others Listen to the views of others Block any negative tactics used Block any negative tactics used Summarize views and decisions Summarize views and decisions Be firm with awkward people Be firm with awkward people
27 Formal Formal Open with a short summary of purpose and agenda Open with a short summary of purpose and agenda Allow all parties to express their views Allow all parties to express their views Prevent irrelevant debates Prevent irrelevant debates Ensure that voting procedure is correctly followed Ensure that voting procedure is correctly followed Cast the deciding vote if necessary Cast the deciding vote if necessary
28 Research Attendees Recognize interests Recognize interests Understand personalities Understand personalities Understand tactics Understand tactics Anticipate distracting tactics Anticipate distracting tactics divide and rule recap on facts divide and rule recap on facts dominate challenge the aggressor dominate challenge the aggressor bluster silence the blusterer bluster silence the blusterer anger stay calm anger stay calm
29 Pace the meeting Pace the meeting Start on time Start on time Keep an agenda Keep an agenda Use time effectively Use time effectively Provide breaks Provide breaks
30 Control the meeting Control the meeting Read negative / positive signs Read negative / positive signs Assess the mood Assess the mood Keep the order [through your permission] Keep the order [through your permission] Ensure working to one aim Ensure working to one aim Come to decisions Come to decisions
31 Close the meeting Close the meeting Summarize decisions Summarize decisions Conclude Conclude Thank everybody Thank everybody