What will it take for our church to fulfill our mission? Mobilizing Healthy, Reproducing Churches Leadership Team Introduction
… “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 Jesus has commanded the church… But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 ---AND---
We want to see every church healthy and having significant kingdom impact! We know you do too. The real question is…how?
We call it Mobilization! A mobilized church is one which has a shared vision and effective strategies for impacting its community and the world by reproducing disciples, leaders and congregations. We want to see every church a Mobilized church!
The Retool Kit mobilization pathway can help a church refocus and revitalize its outreach and ministry… Why is this necessary? Because churches, like every living thing, have a life cycle!
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle Outwardly Focused marked by: Vision Risk Harmony Unity Outwardly Focused Marked By: Solution/growth-oriented Creative planning High morale Faith Think as a team CHALLENGE: Structure!
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle Outwardly Focused marked by: Structure – serves ministry Flexible and changeable Simple Leads to the future Maintenance Outwardly Focused marked by: Evangelism Discipleship Leadership development Cooperation Achievement Risk/sacrifice Faith/innovation Growth CHALLENGE: Leadership! CHALLENGE: Structure!
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle Inwardly Focused marked by: Serves bureaucracy Rigid and changeless Complex Looks to the past CRISIS: Control! CHALLENGE: Structure! CHALLENGE: Leadership! Inwardly Focused marked by: Obligation Accomplishments Relaxes faith Tradition Evangelism optional Safety
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle CRISIS: Control! Inwardly Focused marked by: Differences Division Low tolerance Intense conflict CRISIS: Blame! CHALLENGE: Leadership! CHALLENGE: Structure! Inwardly Focused marked by: Problem-oriented Survival-oriented Paralysis Low morale Allocation planning Doubt We’ve never done it that way before! Think as individual
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle Where are you on the life cycle? What will it take to keep moving the church in a forward, missional way? Two critical questions: CHALLENGE: Structure! CHALLENGE: Leadership! CRISIS: Control! CRISIS: Blame!
Typical Life Cycle Responses Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle CRISIS: Control! CRISIS: Blame! Create new POLICIES Develop new PROGRAMS Change PERSONNEL In reality, we need to discover a fresh PURPOSE CHALLENGE: Leadership! CHALLENGE: Structure!
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle This becomes a “window of opportunity” to help the church rediscover God’s plan for itself. Further down More difficult
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle The key is for the church to periodically revisit and refine its mission and vision.
Maturity Growth Birth Maintenance Decline Death Life Cycle The key is for the church to periodically revisit and refine its mission and vision.
That’s where the Retool Kit can help!
The Retool Kit gives you a six-retreat pathway… …complete with all the assessments and planning helps necessary to craft an effective vision and strategies. Renewing: Leaders Community Biblical urgency Vision: Discerning Communicating Implementing Church and Community Assessments IMPACT!
Each retreat can be held at the church* Friday evening 6:00 Light supper 6:30 First session 9:15 Finished for day Saturday morning 8:00 Light breakfast 8:30 Second session 12:00 Finished for day *Or another suitable meeting place
The Retool Kit is based around two biblical questions: …complete with all the assessments and planning helps necessary to craft an effective vision and strategies. Renewing: Leaders Community Urgency Vision: Discerning Communicating Implementing Church and Community Assessments IMPACT!
The Retool Kit is based around two biblical questions: Can we become a “Jerusalem church” and model the qualities found in Acts 2? Renewing: Leaders Community Urgency Focused and devoted Leadership directed Experiencing the power of God Having authentic community Experiencing God-given growth
The Retool Kit is based around two biblical questions: Vision: Discerning Communicating Implementing Can we become an “Antioch church” (Acts 13) and effectively change our world? Discerning a vision from God Discovering “new territories” for ministry Developing new leaders to serve the kingdom
And then translates those answers into action: We take what we have learned and develop three-year written plans designed to maximize our strengths at the points of greatest community opportunities! IMPACT!
And then … We translate the plans into action! IMPACT!
All this work is done with a Vision Community 20 to 25 leaders in the church
What is a Vision Community? “The vision community is a diverse group of key members who become a committed and trusting community in order to discern and implement God’s vision for the congregation.” from Leading Congregational Change
Why use a Vision Community? Brings a blend of perspectives to the refocusing process Allows vision to be shaped in a climate of spiritual and relational vitality Can provide the leadership core needed for implementing the vision Empowers the pastor to work with a trained team of people ready and willing to implement the new vision Your handout will give you guidance on selecting a vision community
The Goal? WORSHIPPING SEEKER DISCIPLE MAKER GROWING DISCIPLE NEW BELIEVER WINNING ENFOLDING EQUIPPING DEPLOYING To be a church that operates in a healthy way missionally, relationally and organizationally.
The Goal? Or put another way, to be a church that takes seriously Jesus command to “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men!”
Next Steps! Prayerfully consider if this pathway is right for you. Review the “Mobilization Covenant” and make your commitment. Begin recruiting your Vision Community and schedule a “Vision Community Overview” with them. Connect with your coach and plan your first retreat dates.
Thanks for your time and your leadership in helping make this church more effective!