Welcome Presentation by Bill Mackay - Interim Patient Participation Group Representative Litsa Worrall – Interim Patient Participation Group Representative
Today’s agenda Welcome and feedback from the last meeting GP premises update PPG Representative Elections Support provided by Enfield CCG Network discussions A report will be produced summarising the feedback from the event and the next steps which we will share with all attendees and PPGs in Enfield.
You said………we did! You said: You would like a Chairs event in about 3 months time and another all PPG members event in about six months time We did: The first Chairs event was on 20 May and today is the all PPG members event You said: You wanted to be able to feedback to the CCG on issues that your PPG comes across that are outside of your GP practice. We showed you a draft form we have developed for you to feedback to the CCG. You generally gave positive comments on the form. We did: Feedback form was agreed at Chairs meeting. A address just for you to send us feedback – You said: You were interested in having some training. Some of you are experienced chairs and other people felt they might like additional training. We did: Training session was provided by Enfield Voluntary Action on 17 June
You said…………..we did! You said: You wanted to find out more about the CCG and the new NHS We did: We provided more information at the Chairs’ meeting in May and also provided copies of our Prospectus from last financial year. Copies of the summary of the Annual Report and Annual Accounts are available today You said: You would like to hear from guest speakers and also for us to arrange guest speakers for you. We did: Today we are welcoming Richard Weetman, Programme and Development Manager – Primary Care Estates. You said: You would like your own section on the CCG’s website. We did: We have started a new section for you and are exploring how we can make it interactive for you. We welcome your views and help developing this.
You said…………..we did! You said: You wanted to find out more about NHS developments We did: We have three public events a year where we talk about the main local developments. Our next event is on 22 October and everyone is welcome. We will also send you other invitations or news from other NHS partners if we think this would be interesting for you. You said: You would like help marketing and promoting your groups We did: We are working on a marketing toolkit for you. If anyone here has any hints and tips they would like to share please let us know. We are also encouraging patients to join PPGs by contacting their practice. You said: You would like help networking and sharing best practice We did: This event is one of the ways to support this. This is an opportunity to provide more information of how to develop the network and the way we work with you. From these events the CCG we are building up a contacts database so we can write to you. You could also agree to share contact details directly with each other.