Biblical Core Values And their impact on the local church
The Advantage –Lencioni (pgs ) “If an organization is tolerant of everything, it will stand for nothing.”
Core Values Much like organizational core values, your personal core values are there to guide behavior and choice. Get them right and you'll be swift and focused in your decision-making, with clear direction. Get them wrong or leave them ambiguous, and you'll constantly wonder how you got into this mess. Values to be values, must be: written down and followed. what we do, not just what we believe.
7 WARNING SIGNS THAT ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES NEED A FACE-LIFT : 1. Frequent confusion and disagreement 2. Overt cynicism and pessimism 3. A maintenance ministry 4. Plateaued or declining attendance 5. A lack of commitment and enthusiasm 6. Low tolerance of change 7. Distrust of leadership
The degree to which leaders experience success or failure depends on whether their core people share the same values. Keys to successful, fruitful churches: 1. A mission 2. A vision discerned from God 3. Strategies to fulfill the mission and vision 4. Discovering and developing core values
Core Values Statement We desire that these values define and drive this ministry in the context of a warm and caring environment. Christ’s Headship We acknowledge Christ as the Head of our church and submit ourselves and all our activities to His will and good pleasure (Ephesians 1:22,23). Biblical Focus We strive to teach God’s Word with integrity and authority so seekers find Christ and believers mature in Him (2 Timothy 3:16). Authentic Worship We desire to acknowledge God’s supreme value and worth in our personal lives and in the corporate, contemporary worship of our church (Romans 12:1,2). Examples of Biblical Core Values:
THE IMPORTANCE OF CORE VALUES 1. Values determine a church’s ministry distinctiveness. 2. Values dictate people’s personal involvement in the church. 3. Values communicate what’s important. 4. Values help people embrace positive change. 5. Values affect the church’s overall behavior.
THE IMPORTANCE OF CORE VALUES 6. Values inspire people to action. 7. Values enhance credible leadership. 8. Values shape a ministry’s character. 9. Values contribute to ministry success.
DEFINING CORE VALUES 1. Core values are constant. 2. Core values are passionate. 3. Core values are biblical. 4. Core values are core beliefs. 5. Core values drive the ministry.
KINDS OF VALUES 1. Conscious versus unconscious values. 2. Shared versus unshared values. 3. Personal versus organizational values. 4. Actual versus aspirational values. 5. Good versus bad values.
As Mahatma Ghandi said, "Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny."
1. Determine the Value, Not Its Form Value Form Biblical community Small groups Evangelism Knocking on doors Fellowship Home Bible study The Process of Articulating the Credo
2. Determine the Number of Values 3. Determine the Format of the Values INTRODUCE THE VALUE EXPLAIN THE VALUE VALIDATE THE VALUE 4. The Test of a Well-Written Credo DOES IT ATTRACT INTEREST? DOES IT INSTILL PRIDE? DOES IT COMMUNICATE WELL?
Values Exercise What Does Your Church Do Which Must Never Change?
Values Exercise What Does Your Church Do Which Must Never Change? Is this Value Inherit and Natural For Your Church and has It Been Apparent for a Long Time? Yes or No?
Values Exercise What Does Your Church Do Which Must Never Change? Is this Value Inherit and Natural For Your Church and has It Been Apparent for a Long Time? Yes or No? Does this Trait Align with Scripture? The Historic Traditions of the UMC? Yes or No? Scripture Tradition
Values Exercise What does your church do which must never change? Is this VALUE inherit and natural For your church and has It been apparent for a Long time? Yes or No? Does this VALUE Align with Scripture? The Historic Traditions of the UMC? Yes or No? Scripture Tradition With credibility, are you as a church sold out to this VALUE? (Are time, finan- ces, and people invested in this VALUE?)
NEXT STEPS: Look through the samples of other churches. Place a √ next to any value statements that you believe could also be a value statement for your church. Place an “A” next to any value statement that you believe should be an aspirational value for your church. Take the CHURCH CORE VALUES AUDIT and tabulate your results. Compile the results of the Values Exercise completed by your group. Submit each of the above prior to leaving. A Values Statement team will access all of the above materials and write the value statement for your church. Final approval for publishing the Values Statement will be given by the church’s leadership team.