Procter & Gamble Buy, Sell, or Hold
Overview About Procter & Gamble Stock Information Stock Growth Buy, Sell, or Hold? Final Thoughts
What is Procter & Gamble Since 1837, Procter & Gamble has become the world's largest consumer-product company, with a stable of famous brands. It has nearly 300 brands worldwide, with 12 that generate more than $1 billion each in annual sales and account for 50% of total sales. They include Bounty paper towels, Charmin toilet paper, Tide laundry detergent, Pantene shampoo, Iams pet food, Cover Girl cosmetics, Folgers coffee, and Pringles potato chips. Growth of $10,
Stock Information From 2000 to 2003, the Sales % on stock in PG has increased from 4.8 to 7.8 Earnings/Share % has increased from a to Morningstar Stock Grade Ratings: –GrowthA- –ProfitabilityA –Financial HealthA
Stock Growth
Buy, Sell or Hold With this stock a holder can buy, sell or hold and make money. The growth of the stock value has slowed since its boom in the last 3 years but it is still growing. Holding or Buying would be my suggestion considering the increase in value. However if one were seeking to make some quick cash, they could sell and make a profit.
Final Thoughts Procter & Gamble is a company that has had good growth in the last few years, which is a really good sign if you are a stockholder. Nevertheless, the stock does not seem risky because the company is comprised of many large billion dollar corporations that seem to be growing as well. Finally, the stock received no lower than an A- according to Morningstar Stock Grades. With these facts in mind, the sky is the limit.