BIT 142:Programming & Data Structures in C#
BIT 143 Offered next term Continues where this leaves off A couple of weeks to review OOP, object composition, Big “Oh” notation, etc Then moves on to basic data structures Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists Recursion Binary Search Trees QuickSort, MergeSort BIT 142: Intermediate Programming2
BIT 143 Similar/same format homework assignments Weekly PCEs Students will be strongly grouped up at the start of the term Enrollment is open – sign up while there’s still space!! BIT 142: Intermediate Programming3
Today Quiz CIEs Searching, Sorting Algorithms Big Oh Notation There are no Big Oh exercises in this week's PCEs UWB CSS Advisor Stacey Doran will give a brief talk at the end of class BIT 142: Intermediate Programming4
Next Lecture Sorting & Searching Review Big ‘Oh’ Review Final Exam Q+A Internship Coordinator Erika Jurmann will give a quick talk BIT 142: Intermediate Programming5
Final lecture of the quarter Final exam Photo ID will be required Let me know if this is a problem You have enough time to get a Cascadia Student ID, if nothing else You can stay late (till 10:05pm) Notify me if you want to start before 5:45pm BIT 142: Intermediate Programming6
7 Due Dates: What's due now? PCE08 Outlines for Lesson 08 videos I will accept Viewing quiz 08 instead of outlines A3 (final version) due now A4 (initial version) Now is the official start to "It's been handed in when grade it or else it's a zero"
Due Dates: Due next week PCE 09 Outline or Viewing quiz for lesson 09 A4 revision This will be due 1 week from when it gets graded probably next Thursday BIT 142: Intermediate Programming8
Next week: deactivate hand-ins At the start of class we'll deactivate StudentTracker hand-ins for everything (homeworks, revisions, PCEs, viewing quizes) EXCEPT FOR the Outline or Viewing quiz for lesson 10 This is due at the start of class, on the day of the final exam We'll have an in-class lecture next week that covers the same material There are NO PCEs (no coded exercises) BIT 142: Intermediate Programming9
Quiz, then CIEs First do the quiz Username: Student ID ( ) Password: Birthdate (MMDDYY) Pad with leading zero if you need to Example: Jan 13, 1999 would be BIT 142: Intermediate Programming10