What it means for you and your child Curriculum Mapping 2015 What it means for you and your child
Why Map the Curriculum? The point of curriculum mapping is to show how every unit, grade, and course is linked together to deliver the school’s overarching curriculum.
I.A.A.’s School Pillars
I.A.A.’s Tool rubicon.com
Backwards Design
The benefit of using “Understanding by Design” is that teachers identify key goals and concepts and begin their planning from that perspective.
Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings Identify the key understandings that the students should have as they move from unit to unit and course to course …even if they forget the facts they learned… …which they can always look up.
…we are improving how we teach… While Rubicon Atlas helps us redesign our curriculum into the “Understanding by Design” format, we are not fundamentally changing anything that we teach… …we are improving how we teach…
Rubicon Atlas gives us the tools to connect what we do each day to what we do over a unit, over and across one year, and across the school.
…and we are linking our programs that so that we can clearly see how they fit together to benefit our students and meet their needs.
What does Rubicon Atlas look like?
Sample Course Calendar
Sample Unit Plan (top)
Sample Unit Plan (middle)
Scope and Sequence Report
Horizontal Report
1. All of the units have been mapped on Rubicon Atlas. 2015: Where we are now 1. All of the units have been mapped on Rubicon Atlas.
2015: Where we are now 2. Teachers upload their weekly plans each week, which are reviewed by middle and senior managers.
2015: Where we are now 3. Administrators know at a glance what instruction they should see in a classroom at any given time.
2015: Where we are now 4. Consistent review of the units on Rubicon Atlas in conjunction with the weekly plans allows managers to easily identify areas for improvement.
2015: Where we are now 5. The school is working toward improving instruction by conducting deep analysis of the knowledge and skills being taught.
2015: Where we are now 5. During PD days this year, the teachers have met in ‘vertical’ (PreK-12) subject groups to develop the overarching curriculum by subject area.
2015: Plans for the Future 6. Continue to develop use of Essential Questions in lessons to develop understanding.
2015: Plans for the Future 7. Coming in Fall, 2015… Post key parts of unit maps online for parents to view.
Rubicon Atlas and Curriculum Mapping… …to keep making I.A.A. a better place to learn.