ITS Georgia · Harris Tower · 233 Peachtree St. · Suite 700 · Atlanta, GA · Fact Sheet 1Q ITS GEORGIA is made up of individuals and organizations that excel in designing and delivering ITS solutions and projects. Traffic congestion and highway safety are on the minds of Georgians, and ITS Georgia members are working to improve efficiency and safety of our transportation systems. ITS solutions are a very cost effective and safe way to improve the mobility of the people who work and travel through Georgia. ITS Georgia provides a forum for advocacy, facilitation, integration and for learning more about ITS. Our members include federal, state and local transportation agencies, ITS technology and service providers, large private and commercial transportation system users, universities, and other interested parties with missions that involve, or are affected by, the transportation system. We also support students with an interest in ITS careers. CHAPTER MEETINGS Your ITS Georgia Chapter will hold nine monthly meetings and an annual conference in Chapter luncheons are held the last Thursday of each month excluding November, December and the month of the annual conference. Dates for the chapter luncheons are: January 31, February 28, March 27, April 24, May 29, June 26, July 31, August 28 and September 25. Visit to find out more and register.
Fact Sheet 1Q ITS Georgia Officers © ITS Georgia President Anthony Bradford, GDOT Vice President Kenn Fink, Kimley-Horn Secretary Christine Macaulay, Delcan Treasurer Susie Dunn, ARC Immediate Past President Marvin Woodward, GRTA Directors Ronald Boodhoo, GDOT Mark Demidovich, DOT Shaun Green, GTRA John Hibbard, PBS&J Carla Holmes, Grice & Associates Shahram Malek, Iteris Scott Mohler, URS Tom Sever, Gwinnett Co. DOT Taylor Stukes, Iteris Marion Waters, Gresham Smith State Chapter Representative Kenny Voorhies Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Ex Officio Lokesh Hebbani, FHWA Jamie Pfister, FTA A&R Engineering, Inc. AirSage Arcadis Atlanta Regional Commission Atlantic Scientific Corp Atlas Traffic Management (Mastec) Blackhawk Enterprises, Inc. Brooks-Berry-Haynie & Associates Cambridge Systematics, Inc. Carter & Burgess City of Albany City of Alpharetta City of Augusta City of Dalton City of Valdosta Clayton County DOT Cobb County DOT Cohu, Inc. Comtrol Corporation Control Technologies Daktronics DeKalb County Delcan Corp / NET Corp DH Supply Company (Rexel) DMJM + Harris Inc Douglas County Federal Highway Administration Federal Transit Administration Fiberoptic Display Systems, Inc. Fulton County GCA GDOT Georgia Institute of Technology ITS Georgia Member Organizations GeoStats LP Gresham Smith & Partners Grice & Associates, Inc. GRTA Gwinnett County DOT HNTB Corporation Iteris ITS Sales & Service Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. MARTA MaxCell-Milliken & Co. Metric Engineering Paulding County PBS&J Peachtree Telecom Perimeter CID Quality Traffic Systems, Inc. Ruggedcom Serco Group, Inc. Siemens Energy & Automation South Atlantic Traffic Corp. Southern Lighting & Traffic Systems Street Smarts Televent Farradyne Inc. TransCore United Parcel Service (UPS) URS Corporation Utilicom Supply Associates, LLC Vanus, Inc. Wilbur Smith Wolverton & Associates World Fiber Technologies ITS Georgia is the 2006 State Chapter of the Year