From Republic to Empire 5.2. Objectives Understand how the Roman Republic grew through a series of conquests. Identify events leading to the decline of.


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Presentation transcript:

From Republic to Empire 5.2

Objectives Understand how the Roman Republic grew through a series of conquests. Identify events leading to the decline of the Roman republic

Rome Grows Through Conquest Roman growth on the Italian peninsula brings it into contact with Carthage. Conflict between these two powers is referred to as the Punic Wars. Punicus = Phoenician

The Second Punic War ( BC) How did it start? Hannibal attacks over the Alps losing half of his men and 2/3rds of his elephants Battle of Cannae: Hannibal captured or killed up to 70,000 Roman troops – For 10 years no Roman General would engage him in a large battle – Romans scorched earth. Publius Cornelius Scipio – 204 BC Scipio lands in Africa after conquering the Punic Empire in Spain

The 3 rd Punic War 146 BC Rome decided to eliminate Carthage once and for all (Cato the Elder) "Carthago delenda est!" –They violated the terms of their treaty by crossing a Roman imposed frontier in 149 BC After a three year siege they completely wipe out Carthage in 146 BC By 133 BC Rome controls all of the Mediterranean –Macedonia, Asia Minor, Africa, Spain

Outcome? How does the term imperialism apply to this quote? “The Carthaginians fought for their own preservation and the sovereignty of Africa…the Romans, for supremacy and world domination.”

Consequences of Expansion

Negative – Too much new territory would be hard to rule. Why? – Latifundia Most lower classes forced to sell farms to the rich – Division in wealth leads to social problems (1% of population owned 20% of all wealth, next 10% of pop. Controlled another 20% of all wealth) – GREED

Decline of the Republic – Rome now ruled by greed and dominated by the very rich over the poor masses. – Who will step up to help the poor?

Roman art sometimes consisted of _____ or a picture made from chips or colored stones. _____ wrote epic poems trying to show that Rome’s past was as heroic as that of Greece. Romans built _____, or stone structures that carried water from the hills into Roman cities. ______ proposed the theory that Earth was the center of the universe. The Gaius and Tiberius_____ proposed many reforms that made them unpopular with the patricians. a. Virgil e. Ptolemy b. Hadrian f. Aqueducts c. Gracchus g. Mosaics d. Frescoes h. Octavian

The Gracchus Brothers Plebian brothers who became Tribunes and attempted to reform the late Republic Attempt to have the riches acquired in Roman conquest shared equally. Outcome? Why? *

Tiberius Gracchus Proposed that land gained after the 2 nd Punic War be re-distributed and limited to 300 acres per family – The rest would be redistributed to the poor – Became a threat to the rich/powerful – Tiberius his followers were massacred by members of the Senate

Gaius Gracchus His plan was much more of a threat – Stabilizing the price of grain – Colonize the poor to relieve overcrowding – Wanted to extend citizenship to all allies – Consul had him killed with his followers (beaten with chairs in meeting)

The First Triumvirate Pompey, Crassus and Caesar

The Rise Julius Caesar PPersonal legions now common for rich/powerful EElected Consul in 59 BCE, conquers Gaul  by 50 BCE JC had 13 legions After the death of Crassus in 53 BCE, Pompey (now sole Consul) began working against JC in Rome When he crossed the Rubicon River in 49 BCE he began a civil war against Pompey’s army By 45 BC Caesar is victorious and ruled Rome as dictator for life.

The Reforms of Julius Caesar Absolute Rule Relocated 80,000 poor, gave poor conquered land Increased Senate to 900. Extended citizenship

The Death of Julius Caesar March 15, 44 BC JC was assassinated by the Senate (Cassius and Brutus) – They had no real plan  13 years of civil war that will lead to the end of the Republic

The Second Triumvirate Who? Mark Antony, Octavian and Lepidus What? No real plan, split Republic 3 ways. Problems? – Lepidus (Africa) – Antony (East) – Octavian (West) Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra, becomes master of all Rome “Augustus”.

Antony and Cleopatra Antony married Cleopatra in 37 BC who claimed that her son was actually the heir to JC not Octavian Antony and Cleopatra are defeated at the Battle of Actium Octavian was now the master of all of Rome “Augustus”

Augustus Octavian takes over and is proclaimed Augustus “the revered one” by Senate. 27 BCE – Stabilizes government – Census After the death of Augustus, series of Good [Hadrian] and Bad Emperors [Caligula and Nero]

Societal Problems Unequal distribution of wealth Massive Poverty and social issues Empire led to political apathy Food Distribution Boredom/Anger Bread and Circuses

Roman Society Slavery was widespread (up to 30% of population), esp. in urban areas. Public Programs: – Façade of grandeur masked real problems – “Bread and Circuses”