C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Children’s Trust Board 3 July 2012 A Medway perspective on new OfSTED arrangements.


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Presentation transcript:

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Children’s Trust Board 3 July 2012 A Medway perspective on new OfSTED arrangements to protect children for children in care for schools and learning providers

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Shape of today context arrangements this year and……coming soon

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Context: principles, pressures & policies principles -early intervention -trusting professionals -transparency and accountability

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Context: principles, pressures & policies pressures -recession – reducing budgets/capacity -more families in poverty -rising demand for children’s social care -care applications at highest ever and 60% more children with child protection plans -turbulence in health economy -change in the arrangements for policing

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Context: principles, pressures & policies Policy direction -spotlight on adoption and delay -greater focus on looked after children -‘duty to cooperate’ to support early help offers -less statutory guidance – ‘working together’, ‘assessment framework’ -health accountabilities frameworks -troubled families coordination

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Context: principles, pressures & policies -new guidance for DCS and Lead Member -inspection focussed on practice and impact of help -Chief Social Worker -network of principal social workers -role for sector led improvement -Munro progress report -international competitiveness and closing gaps -impact of pupil premium -new national and local performance datasets

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Arrangements this year : keeping children safe and cared for -unannounced -child’s journey from needing to receiving help -focus on things that matter: -effectiveness of help and protection for children, young people and families -quality and impact of practice -leadership and governance -emphasis on tracking children’s cases

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Arrangements this year : keeping children safe and cared for -focus on fostering (Medway due an inspection) -and on adoption (ours was last year) -children’s homes: raised bar -preparing for new joined up children looked after arrangements from 2013

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G Arrangements this year : children succeeding in learning new arrangements from September -outstanding schools and providers: outstanding teaching, learning & assessment -grading changes -performance management -pupil premium impact -hardly any notice (afternoon before, 2 working days)

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G and coming soon….. joint inspection of multi-agency arrangements for the protection of children (June 2013) -journeys of children and young people -views and experiences of children, young people and families -case tracking, practice observations and discussions about case work -available data and intelligence -unannounced and universal

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G and coming soon for children in care -focus on child’s own journey -evaluation of placement practice, planning and support -will include care leavers and children placed out of authority -the how: -role of children in care council -direct observation -annual survey of CYP views? -commissioning activity and impact on children

C H I L D R E N A N D A D U L T S – L E A R N I N G A N D C A R I N G The issues and challenges for us……and for inspectors -what we each and collectively contribute to early help and protection -knowing, really knowing, what we do – our roles, responsibilities and the interface between us -what does supporting a family look like? In front of and behind the social care threshold? -tracking the impact of narrowing gaps -listening to what children and families are telling us -impact for children…..impact on adults