Creating the right environment ◦ Decluttering / tidying / 5S ◦ How to start the day / shift (all patients) Introductions Is there anything you need? Are you comfortable? Drink and call buzzer in reach? Do you need the toilet? Repositioning for breakfast / medicines?
Ensuring visibility and availability of staff to meet patient needs ◦ Timings and division of breaks ◦ Location of staff at night
Identifying “at risk” patients ◦ Transfer checklist ◦ Reassessment of risk ◦ Criteria for “red flag” patients
Reducing the risk of harm ◦ “Red-flag” checks. ◦ Intentional rounding for all patients? ◦ Questions to ask? ◦ Points to check for?
Decide which measures F8 will adopt Decide whether to test each one or implement full package together Determine how these will be communicated to all stakeholders Set timescales and responsibilities Determine how progress will be measured Create action plan and educational resources Implement