Welcome to (Insert Course info) Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
2 FOCUS on College Success & The FOCUS Resource Center are your required course materials chosen by (Insert prof) 1.You can get a better grade by using these course materials. 2.You will be assigned reading and homework from these materials. 3.You will be tested on content from these materials. 4.Study tools designed to help you study smarter (not harder) are in: The FOCUS Resource Center 5.FOCUS on College Success will help you develop the skills that you need to succeed in college and beyond. Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
3 The Technology: The FOCUS Resource Center 1.What You Get Inside the FOCUS Studio Videos iAudio MP3 Chapter Summaries Challenge Yourself Quizzes Team Career Exercises FOCUS Roadmap to College Success Entrance & Exit Interviews When Moms and Dads Go To School (This children's picture book addresses the concerns of small children of parents enrolling in college courses) How To Register Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
Go to academic.cengage.com/login. Click "Create My Account”
Enter your access code. It came with your textbook or you may have purchased it online or at the bookstore.
Enter your account information and then click on the “continue” button. Accept the license agreement.
8 Select your institution type. Select a state and then choose city or enter a zip code. Choose Search.
9 Select your institution and choose Register.
"My Dashboard" lists all of your available resources. Select the Resource Center to access your study tools!
11 WHERE TO BUY YOUR REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS (MAKE APPROPRIATE EDITS BASED ON EACH ADOPTION) 1.Bookstore Textbook/bundle title info Bookstore’s price If a bundle, show savings compared to the stand-alone items Insert any other available ancillaries (Include the following if employing an iChapters.com strategy) 2. iChapters.com eBook: 50%off the price of the textbook eChapters: Buy individual chapters as you need them Include print text/bundle info and price here if it is not available in the bookstore Enter URL for microsite or store’s link to iChapters.com Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
12 Purchase textbooks in the format and at the price that is right for you. Print Options NEW print textbooks at up to 15% off, + Free Shipping! Digital Options Electronic texts up to 50% off Individual chapters for as little as $1.99 Study Tools Study Guides, Online Homework Assistance, Audio Content, and more Visit to buy the way you want and SAVE ! Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade