Common Core State Standards Mathematics High School CC Lanier Maria Ordoyne
Agenda Implementation Overview Reform Implementation Schedule Textbook Adoption Schedule Mathematical Standards Mathematical Practices Critical Focus Areas Mathematics Glossary Video and Numbered Heads Together Terminology The Crosswalks How to read a crosswalk document – Version B Comparison Charts How to read content comparison document West Ed Content Louisiana State Department Assessments Testing Schedule PARCC overview Resources Mind Map Closing Activity
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Louisiana Department of Education PreKCurrent New KCurrentNew Grade 1CurrentNew Grade 2CurrentTransitionalNew Grades 3-8CurrentTransitional New High School CurrentTransitional New Implementation Overview New assessments and new LCC for ELA and mathematics will be phased in over several years No changes - current curriculum, current assessments Curriculum and assessments based on CCSS only Curriculum - some GLEs deleted, some GLEs remain, some CCSS added Assessments – based on GLEs that remain in curriculum
Louisiana Department of Education Curriculum Implementation Plan ELA and Math Implement new LCC in grades K -1 aligned to ELA and math CCSS transitional LCC in grades 2 and higher in ELA and math Create new LCC for grades 2 and higher aligned to ELA and math CCSS : Transition Year #1 5 Social Studies and Science Implement new LCC* in Civics and US History courses (required) new LCC* in World Geography and World History (recommended) Create new LCC in grades K-12 science * or locally-developed curriculum Create new PreK integrated curriculum based on CCSS and new social studies and science standards
Louisiana Department of Education Curriculum Implementation Plan ELA and Math Implement new LCC in grades 2 and higher in ELA and math Continue to use transitional LCC in grades 3 and higher : Transition Year #2 6 Social Studies and Science Continue to use new LCC in Civics and US History courses (required) new LCC in World Geography and World History (recommended) Implement new PreK integrated curriculum based on CCSS and new social studies and science standards
Louisiana Department of Education Curriculum Implementation Plan Full Implementation at all grades and core content areas – Common Core State Standards in ELA and math – State-revised standards for social studies and science – New LCC for all grades and subjects According to the 5/3/12 LDE newsletter from State Superintendent, John White, “..the state will no longer produce a Louisiana-specific comprehensive curriculum. Instead, districts will choose from curricular materials and frameworks that are nationally validated. This means that districts will have the freedom to select the materials that align to the needs of their students, while teachers will have freedom to determine the set of classroom activities that will get students to achieve ambitious goals.” : Full CCSS Implementation 7
Louisiana Department of Education Louisiana Reform Implementation Schedule 8
Louisiana Department of Education Textbook Adoption Schedule NOTE: Adoption schedule may follow current cycle with changes made to follow and align with any planned revisions to state content standards, Grade-Level Expectations, and/or state assessment content. (Bulletin 1794, Section 901 Adoption Cycle) 9
According to the 5/3/12 LDE newsletter from State Superintendent, John White “BESE empowered districts to choose the texts best for them, by eliminating the requirement Bulletin 741 that districts spend 90 percent of textbook budgets on state-approved items. In the years to come, textbook publishers will be producing content that is meant to align with the Common Core standards. So in the years to come, the state will assess the quality of all available texts and will make recommendations to districts. But district leaders and school leaders should be free to choose the content that is best for their children. Bulletin 741 At the same time, texts will be increasingly digital, allowing for regular updating of textbooks, and allowing teachers to modify, mix, and develop texts themselves. We have begun a pilot assessment of 10 districts' technological capacity (devices, broadband, and electrical) and will be expanding this to every district in the months to come, providing you a picture of how ready your schools are to use digital content. The assessment will result in a "district technology footprint" that will guide you in making technology investments, as you consider how to transition from a paper-and-pencil world to one where students read, work, and text on tablets and laptops.”
Mathematics Standards 8 Mathematical Practices Conceptual Categories Pathways Mathematics Glossary Video and Numbered Heads Together The Standards Crosswalk Documents – Version B Content Comparison Documents LDE Document
Standards for Mathematical Practices 1. 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others 4. 4.Model with mathematics 5. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically 6. 6.Attend to precision 7. 7.Look for and make use of structure 8. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
High School Conceptual Categories The big ideas or critical areas that connect mathematics across high school A progression of increasing complexity Description of the mathematical content to be learned, elaborated through domains, clusters, and standards
Conceptual Categories Number and Quantity The Real Number System Quantities The Complex Number System Vector and Matrix Quantities Algebra Seeing Structure in Expressions Arithmetic with Polynomials and Rational Expressions Creating Equations Reasoning with Equations and Inequalities Functions Interpreting Functions Building Functions Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Models Trigonometric Functions
Conceptual Categories Modeling Modeling links classroom mathematics and statistics to everyday life, work, and decision-making. Technology is valuable in modeling. A model can be very simple, such as writing total cost as a product of unit price and number bought, or using a geometric shape to describe a physical object. Geometry Congruence Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry Circles Expressing Geometric Properties with Equations Geometric Measurement and Dimension Modeling with Geometry
Statistics and Probability Interpreting Categorical and Quantitative Data Making Inferences and Justifying Conclusions Conditional Probability and the Rules of Probability Using Probability to Make Decisions Conceptual Categories
High School Pathways Traditional Pathway: Consists of two algebra courses and a geometry course, with some data, probability, and statistics infused throughout each Integrated Pathway: Typically seen internationally, consisting of a sequence of 3 courses, each of which treats aspects of algebra; geometry; and data, probability, and statistics. Louisiana is following the Traditional Pathway.
How to Read the Pathways Each pathway consists of two parts. The first is a chart that shows an overview of the pathway. Organized by course and by conceptual category these charts show which clusters and standards appear in which course. All high school standards in the CCSS are located in at least one of the courses in this chart.
Courses Clusters, notes, and standards Domain Conceptual Category
The second part of the pathways show the clusters and standards as they appear in the courses. Each course contains the following components: An introduction to the course and a list of the units in the course Unit titles and unit overviews. Units are critical areas. Units that show the cluster titles, associated standards, and instructional notes It is important to note that the units (critical areas) are intended to convey coherent groupings of content. The clusters and standards within units are ordered as they are in the Common Core State Standards, and are not intended to convey an instructional order.
Unit and Title Overview Standards associated with cluster Cluster Instructional Note
Mathematics Glossary Video state-standards-for-math Numbered Heads Activity Groups number off 1 – 4 QUESTION Think Time – 30 seconds At signal stand - Heads Together When team reaches a consensus, take a seat. Instructor calls a number The individual with that number stands to answer question. Repeat
Louisiana Department of Education CCSS Mathematics Terminology 23
Louisiana Department of Education Math CCSS ID Numbers 24 7.NS.2 Grade Domain Standard Number The math Common Core State Standards document provides each domain name and its abbreviation. The domain in this example is The Number System.
Format of High School StandardsSTEMSTEM ModelingModeling Regular Standard
The Standards Crosswalk Documents – Version B Content Comparison Documents LDE Document
Louisiana Department of Education 27 Common Core State Standards Crosswalk Documents
Louisiana Department of Education Page 1: How to Read Crosswalk Document 28 There are two versions of the crosswalks for each grade, each under a separate tab in the EXCEL file (see graphic). Version A starts with the CCSS and identifies the GLE or GLEs that best match the content of the CCSS. Version B starts with the GLE and identifies the CCSS that best matches the GLE. Crosswalks are in EXCEL Format The tabs labeled MathVersA-All and MathVersB-All contain the math alignments for all grades on a single worksheet. In the ELA crosswalk, the tabs are labeled ELAVersA-All and ELAVersB-All.
Louisiana Department of Education 29 Page 3: How to Read Math Version B Document
Louisiana Department of Education 30 Common Core State Standards Grade-Level Content Comparison Reports
Louisiana Department of Education 31 Page 1: How to Read Math Content Comparison
Louisiana Department of Education 32 Page 2: How to Read Math Content Comparison
Louisiana Department of Education Page 3: How to Read Math Content Comparison 33
Louisiana Department of Education Page 4: How to Read Math Content Comparison 34
Louisiana Department of Education 35 Grade 4 Mathematics GLEs and CCSS to be taught in and [1] [1] This GLE was moved to another grade but will be taught and tested in this grade to decrease the possibility that the transition will create curricular gap s. M.4.1 R ead and write place value in word, standard, and expanded form through 1,000,000 4.NBT.1 4.NBT.2
Louisiana Department of Education Assessment Transition Plan ELA and Math and : Transitional assessments for grades 3-8 and high school Aligned with transitional LCC Adjust by using existing items that best align with CCSS that match GLE –Content focus may change –“Cut scores” and level of difficulty will remain the same –Omit content that will be discontinued, emphasize existing content that aligns with CCSS –New CCSS content will not be added until Science and Social Studies and : New US History EOC No change in other social studies and science assessments (still under consideration)
Louisiana Department of Education PARCC will develop an assessment system composed of four components. Each component will be computer- delivered and will leverage technology to incorporate innovations. –Two formative assessment components designed to Generate timely information for informing instruction, interventions, and professional development during the school year In ELA/literacy, an additional third formative component will assess students’ speaking and listening skills –Two summative assessment components designed to Make “college- and career-readiness” and “on-track” determinations Measure the full range of standards and full performance continuum Provide data for accountability uses, including measures of growth PARCC Assessment Plan 37
Louisiana Department of Education PARCC Assessment Plan Formative Assessment Components: – Early Assessment indicator of student knowledge and skills allows instruction, supports, and professional development to be tailored to meet student needs – Mid-Year Assessment performance-based items and tasks emphasis on hard-to- measure standards 38 Summative Assessment Components : – Performance-Based Assessment (PBA) administered as close to the end of the school year as possible. ELA/literacy PBA focus - writing effectively when analyzing text Mathematics PBA focus - applying skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools – End-of-Year Assessment (EOY) administered after approx. 90% of the school year. ELA/literacy EOY focus - reading comprehension Math EOY - composed of innovative, machine-scorable items
Resources Mind Map Activity Questions Answers If we don’t know the answer, we can use a life line Complete the on-line evaluation in the staff development portal
Louisiana Department of Education Math Common Core State Standards Implementation Math practices Standards Assessment Mind Map EXAMPLE