University of California – Berkeley Office of Emergency Preparedness/Homeland Security “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” -John Muir
WHO WE ARE UC Berkeley Campus 50,000 + daily population 2,347 acres 324 buildings Located in the 10.5 sq.mi. City of Berkeley(112,356) bounded by the cities of Albany, Oakland and Emeryville
Natural Earthquake Fire Fire Flood Flood Power outage Terrorist Threat Animal Activist Bomb Threat Explosion Civil Unrest Technological Hazmat Release Rad-Chem-Bio Potential Emergencies Multi-Hazards Mitigation Plan (24 Incidents)
Campus Emergency Response Program Field Level Operations Level Management Level Policy Level Chancellor's Emergency Policy Group (CEPG)Emergency Operations Center (EOC)RSSPUHSUCPDEMA CoordinatorICBuilding CoordinatorFSP.AISTHREH&S Emergency Responders
OUR DEPENDENCIES INTERNAL (Campus) Departments, Colleges, Schools (350 + Campus Units) Facilities Services (Utilities) IST Security EXTERNAL (Region) Emergency Response Resources Fire Department/EMS Hazmat Hospitals Hot Sites
INTERDEPENDENCIES Campus Students/Staff/Faculty Local Effects Remote Effects Infrastructure (Power, Transportation, Telecommunications, Water, Etc.) ResearchTeaching Local Business City Suppliers Higher ED System CATASTROPHIC EVENT
CONCERNS/SOLUTIONS Identification of existing resources and “GAPS” Awareness/Acknowledgement of “RELIANCE” Identification of Dependencies/Interdependencies – “CRITICAL” Develop relationships and “Participate” in meetings, groups, etc. MOU/LOA (written) Plans/Procedures/Training
?QUESTIONS? Director, Office of Emergency Preparedness/Homeland Security 1 Sproul Hall #1199 Berkeley, CA SFS Services, Inc. PO Box 1390, Suite B Discovery Bay, CA,