Sport Psychology Intrinsic motivation- Intrinsic motivation is a behaviour that is driven by internal rewards. For example doing something for the love and passion of it. Its also where people are driven by a sport and want to do better in it because they can. So for example if a person is looking up football videos and reading Magazines and newspapers, its not because they have to its because they want to and it interests them.
Extrinsic Motivation- Extrinsic Motivation is the hard work and determination to stay motivated to earn a good outcome. For example this could be where your studying very hard at school to earn good grades and your mind is just set to achieve that, this is called Extrincally motivated. The motivation is something you have to do as an individual to attain what you want. Secondly this extrinsic motivation could link to real jobs because just say you have had a promotion, that’s extrinsic motivation because you worked hard for that and did what you have to do to earn a promotion and even better pay.
Arousal meaning- Arousal is the feeling and emotion your in before you go into a competition or just about to do a sport. For example if your just about to enter the ring for a boxing match and your not in the correct mind-set and your optimum arousal level is low, then it means your not bothered and really not up for the boxing match. The graph below shows the performance and arousal level of an athlete, it shows us that her/him arousal level is poor and will probably lose the event she is participating in. URL Findings
The two types of Anxiety: . Anxiety 'A negative reaction of a performer to stress, often leading to over arousal' 'An emotional state, similar to fear, associated with arousal and accompanied by feelings of nervousness and apprehension' The two types of Anxiety: State Anxiety: Is the emotion and feeling of the athlete from one situation to another. Trait Anxiety: Athletes who have a high trait anxiety view more situations as more threatening than those with lower trait anxiety and so respond with a higher state anxiety. This is known as competition Anxiety. URL:
What is the inverted U theory? The graph shows us that every time the arousal changes, so does the performance level. Athletes have their own optional arousal level Optimal arousal is higher for more simple tasks and lower for more complex tasks. For example activities or sports like Shooting,Darts,Golf, requires less of an arousal level. However tackling in football will need a higher level of arousal which helps skills requiring speed or strength. People with higher enjoyment levels in a sport tend to have a higher arousal level and are more extrovert. People who tend to be more introverted are most likely going to perform better in lower arousal conditions.
Personality There are two types of personality which will link to the way you play, the two types are ‘Extrinsic’ and ‘Intrinsic’. An athlete with more of an Intrinsic sort of personality is driven by how he can improve and he wants to get better just because he can. This means that this sort of person with an Intrinsic personality isn't an athlete at a top level and isn't consistently good, its where he plays for the enjoyment and doesn’t just like to play competitive. Finally a person with a Extrinsic personality improves and practices for a better outcome, so for example this could be again where your studying hard at school to get better GCSES and you wont give up until you get that and then in the future you will get your reward because you worked hard for it. Changed it into my words) Concentration Concentration is a important element towards improving your game performance and training. If you have a high concentration level then your most likely to be at the top of your game because you are aware of everything and it will be hard for you to less likely make a mistake. An advantage of having a high concentration level will allow you to get better because you will benefit from the training you do and it will be easier for you to success in games. There are many things that cause a performer to lose concentration, this could be where you make a simple mistake in your game and it can really hit you hard. Also the negative comments from fans and your staff Can put you down because they are disappointed by the way you are performing and the lack of concentration in your game. Changed it into my words)