Dr. Victor Castillo CEO Fundacion Cardiovascular de Colombia
Reaccredited 2013
We have coverage in 23 states of Colombia Reaccredited 2013
45 software modules integrated around the electronic medical record More than 5 millions of medical records in 25 medical centers More than 3 millions of Dicom images. 45 software modules integrated around the electronic medical record More than 5 millions of medical records in 25 medical centers More than 3 millions of Dicom images.
Mobile ICUTele Mobile Portable EKG Reaccredited 2013
We have our own software development team that gives support to all the Telemedicine Platform Reaccredited 2013
Diagnostic reception Conference with the doctor and diagnosis Case Request acceptance Log in to our website and request the service The general physician request the appointment with our specialist through our website: Telemedicinafcv. org Our contact center receives the request and book the appointment with our physician Reaccredited 2013
Diagnostic reception Diagnostic Reception by the cardiologist FCV Data information sent Medical Check up The medicaL staff at the reference medical center takes the EKG The medical staff at the reference center logs in at the telemedicine website and send the EKG to FCV The Cardiologist at the FCV reads the EKG and send the interpretation to the medical reference center The medical staff at the reference center receive the EKG interpretation done by the cardiologist Reaccredited 2013
Vital Signs monitoring The medical staff from the FCV have remote access to the vital signs and medical record of the patient. This way they can monitor the patient 24 hours/ 7 days a week. The personnel at FCV can also make notes or discuss with the staff of the external medical center the condition of the patient. Reaccredited 2013
Mortality Before 48 HAfter 48 H 6.93%5.10%
Regular ICU CostUSD 6,393,810 TELEICU CostUSD 1,281,000 Savings in transporting patientsUSD 5,387,090 Savings in transporting a patient for a medical consultation USD 801,602 Savings in transporting patients for EKG and XRAY USD 241,568 Reaccredited 2013