How was life before and after world war 1? By Alexandra Voutsas
Before world war the world soon be plunged into the horror of war. After the conflict, the war was blamed for all the political and social problem's of the day but the truth is many of the issues were already brewing pre-1914.
After world war 1 At 11:00 am on 11 November 1918, the world war came to an end. Writers, musicians and architects started to come out of the box and explore their own ideas instead of what they always been told.
When the men went to war women took their place in factories, shops and offices across the country. They also had to jobs because they had to look after their family. What women had to do when men disappeared
What women could do like men Women proved that they could do men’s work. They drove trams and played football also a lot more activies. There was injured men coming home and the women looked after them. Women helped with the war effort. They made shells for bullets, welding and of other things they have never done before. They needed to keep on going and to be strong.
How life changed Before world war 1 the world was much quieter, happier and calmer. Everybody lived the life the always thought they had. Until the war began. When the war happened the world changed. It was horrible and filled with horror. There was so many women and men gone. There was not enough men to marry women. Women thought that they would get marry and have a happy life with a husband, but when all the men were gone women were working all there life and had freedom. They were all by themselves living alone and working everyday.