TIPS TO USE THIS FILE Always click Yes to enable macros. Only save this file as a.ppt (for PowerPoint 03 and 07) or.pptm (for PowerPoint 10+. Do NOT save as.pptx) Do NOT delete any slides or visual objects. Simply move them off to the side of the slide to hide them. TIPS TO USE THIS FILE Always click Yes to enable macros. Only save this file as a.ppt (for PowerPoint 03 and 07) or.pptm (for PowerPoint 10+. Do NOT save as.pptx) Do NOT delete any slides or visual objects. Simply move them off to the side of the slide to hide them. Developed by WPO Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Welcome to Clinical Systems Game Show! START Duration: 15 Seconds Team Order: First team is chosen randomly Ѻ Change Options Ѻ Change Options
More Charting It is Team One's turn now. $300 $100 $200 $400 $500 $300 $100 $200 $400 $500 $300 $100 $200 $400 $500 $300 $100 $200 $400 $500 $300 $100 $200 $400 $500 Anything Goes Actions Menu Clinical Systems Charting 0 Team 1 0 Team 2 0 Team 4 0 Team 3 Final Challenge WARNING! Do not delete anything. (Visual objects or slides) Simply move objects off to the side to hide them. This is helpful when wanting to reduce the number of categories and questions. WARNING! Do not delete anything. (Visual objects or slides) Simply move objects off to the side to hide them. This is helpful when wanting to reduce the number of categories and questions. TIMESAVER! Use this screen to rename your categories and dollar amounts. They will automatically update the question slides when the game starts. The Team names are entered when you start playing the game. TIMESAVER! Use this screen to rename your categories and dollar amounts. They will automatically update the question slides when the game starts. The Team names are entered when you start playing the game.
Charting - $100 The form completed at the patient’s bedside after admission which includes sections for allergies, nutrition, and pre-admission medication. CONTINUE Who buzzed first? Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. (For example if you enter the number 2 into the box below, this slide will be worth $200.) Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. (For example if you enter the number 2 into the box below, this slide will be worth $200.) TIME’S UP! 1
Charting - $100 Admission History Form CORRECT INCORRECT
Charting - $200 The tab where care contacts are charted. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Charting - $200 Education Tab CORRECT INCORRECT
Charting - $300 The section of the admission history form that compiles a list of all medications a patient was taking prior to admission. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Charting - $300 Med List Tool (MLT) CORRECT INCORRECT
Charting - $400 A visual that indicates the required sections of HED documentation. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 2
Charting - $400 Upper case or capital letters CORRECT INCORRECT
Charting - $500 At the beginning of your shift, after choosing Priority Problems, these are created and should be specific, realistic, and measurable. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Charting - $500 Short Term Goals CORRECT INCORRECT
Clinical Systems - $100 The clinical system where the bulk of charting takes place that includes entering vitals and physical assessment information. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Clinical Systems - $100 HED CORRECT INCORRECT
Clinical Systems - $200 The clinical system used for entering new patient orders. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Clinical Systems - $200 HEO/Wiz CORRECT INCORRECT
Clinical Systems - $300 The application that hosts the full version of the Electronic Medical Record. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 2 Who buzzed first?
Clinical Systems - $300 StarPanel CORRECT INCORRECT
Clinical Systems - $400 The system used to request blood products. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Clinical Systems - $400 HEO/Wiz CORRECT INCORRECT
Clinical Systems - $500 The clinical system used to complete the Admission History. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Clinical Systems - $500 StarPanel CORRECT INCORRECT
Actions Menu - $100 A link on the Actions Menu that provides important elements charted for a patient and uses the SBAR format to present information. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 2 Who buzzed first?
Actions Menu - $100 Overview of Patient Care (OPC) CORRECT INCORRECT
Actions Menu - $200 A link on the Actions Menu that displays an overview of lab results from a patient’s hospital stay. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Actions Menu - $200 Fast Labs CORRECT INCORRECT
Actions Menu - $300 A link on the Actions Menu used to reference medications and dosages that have been administered for a specific patient. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Actions Menu - $300 Medication Administration Record (MAR) CORRECT INCORRECT
Actions Menu - $400 A link on the Actions Menu that allows you to request assistance from IV Therapy nurse. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Actions Menu - $400 IVT Request Form. CORRECT INCORRECT
Actions Menu - $500 A link on the actions menu that is a record of any document that pertains to a patient’s medical history at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Actions Menu - $500 All Documents CORRECT INCORRECT
Anything Goes - $100 The tab here medications are charted within HED. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Anything Goes - $100 Admin RX CORRECT INCORRECT
Anything Goes - $200 The application located within HED where patient assignments are made and medications are confirmed. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Anything Goes - $200 Care Organizer CORRECT INCORRECT
Anything Goes - $300 How often are vitals charted for a patient during each shift? CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Anything Goes - $300 At least once, but may vary depending on the unit. CORRECT INCORRECT
Anything Goes - $400 The application that is a screensaver on the clinical workstation desktops and displays patient information specific to a unit. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Anything Goes - $400 Inpatient Whiteboard CORRECT INCORRECT
Anything Goes - $500 The final “right” in the Five Rights which include: the right dose, the right medication, the right patient, the right route. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
Anything Goes - $500 The right time CORRECT INCORRECT
More Charting - $100 The letter that is typed into specific HED fields to automatically populate the current date and time. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
More Charting - $100 T CORRECT INCORRECT
More Charting - $200 Charted on admission, transfer or event, this screening assesses risk for falls. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
More Charting - $200 Morse Falls Screen CORRECT INCORRECT
More Charting - $300 The name of the tab in HED where single dosage medications are administered. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
More Charting - $300 Admin Rx CORRECT INCORRECT
More Charting - $400 The button that is clicked to expand and show all components of the patient chart within HED. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 1 Who buzzed first?
More Charting - $400 Show All CORRECT INCORRECT
More Charting - $500 The name of the physical assessment done on patients to assess for pressure ulcers. CONTINUE Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. Make this a BONUS slide? Type a value in the box and the question amount will be multiplied by that number. TIME’S UP! 2 Who buzzed first?
More Charting - $500 Braden Skin Assessment CORRECT INCORRECT
00 Team 1 Team Team 3Team 4 60 seconds See Answer The menu comprised of links within StarPanel that allows you to navigate to different sections of the Electronic Medical Record. Final Challenge
PLAY AGAIN 00 Team 1 Team Team 3Team 4 Actions Menu Final Challenge