Introduction to the EUI Library for Historians Thursday September 10, p.m. – 4.30 p.m. Sala Europa, Villa Schifanoia by Serge Noiret, History Information Specialist, (Ph.D.)
Role of History Information Specialist The changing world of History within Academic Librarieschanging world EUI Library profile & EUI library Staff EUI Library profile EUI library Staff Important EUI Library internal rules EUI Library Services - ILL service EUI Library Services ILL service History Guide o History Collection Development policies History Collection o History Dewey ClassificationClassification o EUI Library History oriented E-ResourcesHistory oriented E-Resources o CFA/CFP Distribution's ListDistribution's List o European History Primary Sources - EHPSEHPS Library blog & Twitter account Library blog Twitter account Cadmus, EUI repository Cadmus On Demand Atelier Multimédia coursesAtelier Multimédia Zotero supportsupport Libraries in Florence Libraries in Florence Sign in now for a Library Guided Tour The EUI Library
Faculty and librarians agree that the most essential service provided by academic librarians is the instruction of students in information literacy. Faculty wants dedicated library liaisons to learn their discipline and instruct how the library can help them. Despite the advice of personal connection, both faculty and academic librarians indicated that their most preferred method of communication with the other is . Databases were featured among the wish lists of both faculty and librarians when asked to name additional services their library could provide. Nearly every librarian surveyed (98%) desires better communication with the faculty at their school. Fewer than half of faculty feel changes are needed in that regard (45%). Full report: 2015 Bridging the Librarian-Faculty Gap in the Academic Library Survey2015 Bridging the Librarian-Faculty Gap in the Academic Library Survey Academic Library Survey – Gale/Cengage, 2015
“By far the best book collection I have seen in a university library.“ (2014) “A brilliant library with highly qualified and responsive staff.” (2014) “Having a meeting with the archivist and librarian is really fantastic, because they help you understand what is in the archive, and what you might be able to use.” (2013) “I talk to the librarians when I’m looking for something outside my comfort zone.” (2013) “People whose books are all adjacent to each other in the stacks have a better relationship with librarians. Rather than my multi-disciplinary topic. […] The way I frame my questions… there’s no question that will be answered by a single collection.” (2013) “A huge problem has been organizing the material I’ve found. I’ve accumulated a huge amount of information.” (2013) “I should learn how to [use management tools]. It’s lazy, really. Maybe later. It’s a waste of time to re-write these references over and over. It would be nice if it would just appear automatically.” (2013) User Survey 2013 & 2014
Interviewer: Have you worked with any of the librarians on campus? Historian: Oh yes. Because they are trained as librarians they can think of search terms, or ways of searching that I—I am not trained as a librarian, so I don’t. So yes, definitely the librarians are crucial in the whole research process—both at [my institution] and wherever I go. Interviewer: At what point do you talk to the librarians? Historian: Dead ends. Interviewer: At dead ends? Historian: Yes, I share my frustrations with them and ask them to help me get out of the cul-de-sac. Don’t wait the last moment: ask librarians