Workshop Gender Mainstreaming
Strategic Issue Something that is critical to the long term success or failure of the programme - addressing this issue therefore justifies the allocation of significant programme resources and time
Nearly all Countries have :
Gender Policy Gender Ministry Have signed up to international treaties on gender Committed to MDG3 – promote gender equality and empower women But what happens to gender policy?
The Policy – Implementation Gap Why policy doesn ’ t get turned into action: EVAPORATION INVISIBILISATION RESISTANCE
Question Does shiree make any commitments about gender? Have these evaporated, become invisible or been resisted?
Women’s Empowerment vs Gender mainstreaming Women’s empowerment – actions that are targeted specifically towards women. Aimed at redressing the historical exclusion and power imbalance from which women and girls have suffered eg. Support to female entrepreneurs, training for female parliamentarians, action against gender based violence,
Gender Mainstreaming Looking at all programmes/actions through a “gender lens” - ie considering the differential impact of our actions, systems, processes on men and women (boys/girls). Taking a gender perspective on everything from employment law to budgeting processes to infrastructure design.
Has shiree enacted any women’s empowerment measures? Are we adopting a gender mainstreaming approach?
Balanced Scorecard – adapted to shiree Accountability to HQ Are we following DFID policy n Gender Equity? Are we following GoB policy? Innovation & Learning What are we doing to learn from experience and to improve our performance on Gender Issues? Partners / Clients & Constituencies How do NGOs perform on gender equity? Do we use our contracting influence? Internal Operations & Competences Do we follow gender equity in Internal Programme Activites? Gender Equity in Bangladesh
SCORING We are doing great We are making some real attempts and getting there We are aware of this issue but haven’t done much about it This is totally off our radar!
ObjectiveScoreComment We are following DFID and GoB policy on gender We actively pursue gender equity in our relations with partners Programme systems and procedures encompass gender equity (eg HR policy) We are actively reviewing and improving performance on Gender Self Evaluation
What can we do to improve? On accountability to sponsors On relations with partners On internal systems and processes On learning and innovation
Developing a gender action plan Practice using the gender lens! -- whatever decision we are making think about how it affects men and how it affects women, is there any difference? How could we change things to make them more gender sensitive? Do we need to change our consultation processes? Do we need to change the way we monitor and present data?
Examples The CMS tools The influence we bring to bear on partners The planning of our advocacy events The work of programme managers