Geelong High School Performance Development & Review Process in 2014
Overview of the new Performance Review Process
Balanced Scorecard 4 DIMENSIONS + WEIGHTINGS = BALANCED JUDGEMENT (Score*) *Outcome score using a tool – as yet to be released
Balanced Scorecard – 4 dimensions 1.Student Outcomes –is defined by a varied set of indicators including student learning gain and improvements in individual student achievement, engagement and wellbeing. 2. Professional Knowledge (aitsl standards 1-2) 3. Professional Practice (aitsl standards 3-5) 4. Professional Engagement (aitsl standards 6-7)
Goals Staff will write a goal for each of the four dimensions The goals need to be consistent with school Strategic Plan goals & AIP improvement strategies
School Goals & Improvement Strategies Strategic Plan GoalsKey Improvement Strategies To improve student outcomes in literacy and numeracy across all learning areas To improve VCE outcomes To improve students' engagement in learning To improve student transition outcomes into, through and beyond the school. Build and sustain a clear and shared school vision Implement strong and shared leadership at all levels in the school Grow and sustain a whole school student-centred learning environment that engages students as active participants in learning and encourages success Improve use of data
Performance and development goals should : Be developed in consultation with reviewers (which facilitates a transparent and open dialogue about successful performance and targeted development) Be aligned to the school strategic plan and annual implementation plan (goals and improvement priorities). Identify areas for improvement Identify clear expectations for success Be evidence-based. Be stretch goals that follow the ‘SMART goal’ methodology – specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound
SMART goal methodology
Student Outcomes Goal For 2014 staff have the option of writing their own Student Outcomes goal or using the state-wide goal below: “In the 2014/15 cycle, I will critically review the outcomes data for my students (achievement, engagement and wellbeing) during the 2014 school year with a view to establishing a specific and meaningful student outcomes goal for my 2015/16 performance and development plan, including relevant measures, which relates to the learning growth and development of students and is aligned with the school’s annual implementation plan”.
Templates & StaffPD All teachers will transition to the new performance and development template For GHS in 2014 we will complete an online template using StaffPD
Weightings Each dimension will receive a weighting to be agreed by the principal and staff Designed to enable Principals & staff to place the greatest emphasis on areas they see as most important to achieving their individual areas for development whilst also ensuring alignment with school strategic priorities Weightings are agreed during the goal-setting stage Student Outcomes goal must be ≥ 20% Default position is 25% for each dimension
Weightings Weightings to: be distributed across all four dimensions be distributed in 5% increments total 100%
Example Evidence Collaborative professional learning – CWT Action Plans / reflections / work samples – Curriculum writing teams – House Teams - Workshops (Positive Education) Curriculum mapping Common assessment tasks with achievement standards All summative assessment addresses the Achievement Standards Assessment tasks are scaffolded and are common across multiple classes Rubrics are used to describe what is being assessed in Common Assessment tasks and to what standard or level. Students are able to articulate what they are doing in the unit & why Students moderated work shows improved skills, knowledge & understanding of the topic and the relevant AusVels standards
Example Evidence Self-reflection: as classroom teacher and leader Moderation of student work against the standards (AusVels) Student work samples demonstrating learning improvement Feedback – Student; parent; community Structured peer observation & feedback Classroom artefacts & assessments Participation in collaborative planning Professional leadership platform developed Moderation Units “ready to teach” : Students report higher levels of engagement
Differentiated Outcomes Each dimension will be assessed on a 3 or 4 point scale (must be 4 in 2015) as follows Exceeds performance & development requirements (must be included in 2015) Fully meets performance & development requirements Partially meets performance & development requirements Fails to meet performance & development requirements
Differentiation through Judgement Performance & development assessment requires informed professional judgements about teacher knowledge and practice; leadership and improvement It therefore places emphasis on the importance of formal and informal conversations between the teacher and their reviewer The Australian Standards (AiTSL) provide benchmarks for performance at different levels of proficiency Teachers and reviewers use the AiTSL standards to identify the expected level of performance and development (by career stage) Teachers and reviewers agree on the necessary sources of evidence
Review Score Each dimension will be given a % weighting and staff will be scored on either a three or four point scale for the dimension e.g 0-3 The tool to do this calculation has yet to be released
Key date Goal-setting completed & loaded onto StaffPD by 26 th June 2014
Sample goals Professional Knowledge I will incorporate the use of ICT tools in all of my classes so that my students are more ICT literate Start with the end – ie By …