The Head and Neck
Head Injury- Concussion Concussion is any loss of consiousness or disorientation after a blow to the head. The player might be out for a several minutes with a severe concussion.
Treatment of a Concussion Rest to protect against further injury to the head. Watch for signs of headache, nausea, and further loss of consciousness for 24 hours. (Could indicate possible bleeding inside the head). he medical provider may want the player to be awakened every 2-4 hours to check for symptoms. Report confusion, seizures, unequal pupil sizes restlessness, worsening vomiting, or a headache that is not relieved by Tylenol. Transport to the hospital if recovery is not immediate. ****Practice checking pupils.
Specific Sports Basketball players can bang their heads going after loose balls. Head Injuries account for 2/3 of all cycling injuries. Only 10% of all cyclists wear helmets. Football is a collision sport that can foster head injuries.
Broken Nose and Cheekbone/Treatment A blow to the nose can fracture the nasal bones or the cartilage of the septum. The nose can appear crooked or bleeding can occur. Apply ice to limit swelling and bruising. Utilize first aid for nose bleeds. Have the nose or cheekbone X-rayed and examined by the doctor.
Scratched Cornea The cornea is the clear covering over the eye. Usually extremely painful and minor. If it is severe and untreated, it can lead to loss of vision. First Aid:Cover the eye with a patch and see a doctor as soon as possible.
Specific Sports Basketball players can get poked in the eye, resulting in a scratched cornea.
Neck Injuries/Broken Neck Neck injuries can be very serious. Do not move a player with any suspected neck injury. A fractured cervical spine can cause paralysis. The most common cause of a broken neck is diving in inappropriate conditions.
Sprained Neck Ligaments that hold the vertebrae together can be sprained or stretched. One vertebra may slide forward out of place and compress the spinal cord. A mild sprain will cause pain and stiffness in the neck.
Spastic Torticollis (Crick) Caused by a pulled muscle or a muscle spasm. Apply ice for 20 minutes at a time and gently stretch the neck. Severe pain may necessitate medication such as muscle relaxers.
Whiplash Muscle and ligament that are strained secondary to a sudden, violent movement is whiplash. Can take up to months to heal. Treatment may include rest, anti- inflammatory drugs, and a cervical collar.
Sports Specific A fall from a height that snaps the head back can cause a whiplash injury. This can also cause a cervical fracture and should be treated only by emergency personnel.
Exercises to Strengthen Neck Muscles *****Practice the Following Exercises Shoulder Shrug with Band Trapezius Stretch Shoulder Roll