Player Briefing [Exercise Date] [EXERCISE NAME} Player Briefing [Exercise Date]
Exercise Planning Team Opening Remarks Agency Remarks Introductions Players Controllers/evaluators Others Exercise Planning Team
[Insert Schedule Here] There will be no formal food break.
Safety Safety Officers for this exercise are [Names of people] Ambulance on Stand-by for the exercise is [Name of ambulance] Report any injuries Be Mindful of Heat Stress / Injuries
Exercise Players [Insert list of exercise players]
[Insert purpose of the exercise]
Objectives [Insert exercise objectives. Add additional slides for objectives as necessary.]
Conduct of the Full Scale Exercise Players are expected to remain at the exercise location. Starts with an incident update at the end of this briefing Some follow-on exercise injects Subsequent players actions self directed Play will not be halted Scenario timeline is constant
Communications All communication to will begin and end with “This is an exercise” No communication with outside agencies not on the Exercise Directory or the SIMCEL SIMCELL Admin and Log—Real world
Observers & Media Observers will be escorted Observers should not interfere with play Real World media Media should not talk to players
Security No loaded weapons carried by players in “play area” [insert name] will be the Weapons Officer Unauthorized persons Vests and badging See Explan for complete Weapons Policy
Assumptions & Artificialities Scenario No hidden agendas Played to State level May be delay in getting info Play it real
Communications Controllers Evaluators Simulated Organizations Exercise Positions Controllers Evaluators Simulated Organizations Communications
Exercise Badges Actors PURPLE VIP YELLOW
Exercise Badges Participants BLACK
Victim Tags Thank you for your participation!!! On ground, not moving Large shrapnel piece protruding from abdomen Swollen Eyes Resp: 10 and shallow audible crackling Pulse: 90 BP: 90/60 Unresponsive Unable to follow commands Moaning only Unable to walk Thank you for your participation!!!
Exercise “Administrivia” Restrooms will be available [Insert Location] Exercise Follow Up: Hotwash immediately following exercise play within each location of play Participant Feedback Forms
Post-Exercise Please provide copies of all logs, notes, and other documentation to the controllers.
Thank You Questions?