Keri Wingler and Michael McNeill
Hunting was for all levels of social classes. Horses, dogs and hawks were trained for hunting. It gave the rich a chance to show off their horse and attire. Men had to be skilled at hunting.
Dancing was a popular activity for couples. Married people enjoyed this activity because it gave them the best opportunity to interact with one another. Dancing varied according to social class. The upper class favored courtly dances such as the Brawl, the Volte, the Pavane, and Morris dancing, which included the wearing of bells. Ordinary people were more likely to do traditional "country" dances such as the jig, the dump, the hay and the trenchmore. Dancing in the Elizabethan Age was considered "a wholesome recreation of the mind and also an exercise of the body“.
Jousting ◦ Jousting is a sport played by two people mounted on horses. It consists of tournament competition where people, using a variety of weapons, usually in sets of three per weapon, try to knock the other off. Archery ◦ Archery is the shooting with a bow and arrow. Archery has historically been used in hunting and combat and has become a precision sport.
Dice Checkers Wrestling ◦ It was an activity that they used when they felt dice and checkers were too passive. The game normally resulted in serious injuries such as broken ribs, internal injuries, and broken necks. Card Games ◦ Primero- It’s similar to a modern game of poker. ◦ Trump- A game such as bridge, and other trick-taking card games. ◦ Gleek- A three-player trick-taking game of moderate complexity.
Drama ◦ Drama was at it’s peak of cultural achievement. ◦ The first performances was in the courtyard of a large inn. ◦ There was a constant demand for entertainment. ◦ The plague often interrupted the theater. ◦ Very few people worked in the theater, the few that did were proprietors, actors, playwrights and workmen. ◦ Plays were viewed by all social classes. Wealthy people hired musicians to play during dinner. Instruments ◦ Lute ◦ Virginal ◦ Viola ◦ Recorder ◦ Bagpipe ◦ Fiddle