Dewey Decimal System
Dewey Decimal System (DDS) Just like the grocery store separates the food into different sections such as: dairy products, meat, and produce is exactly how the DDS works. Melvil Dewey created the Dewey Decimal System (DDS) in the 1800’s so that all the books would be organized by their subject.
Dewey Decimal System (DDS) To find a book, you must locate the item’s call number. The call number is the address of where the book lives on the library shelf. You can find the item’s call number on the spine of the book, that is the part facing out on the library shelf
Dewey Decimal System (DDS) 1.Numbers 2.Letters 3.Year There are 3 parts to the call number: The numbers are the Dewey subject area of the book. For example, if the item has number 200, it has to do with religion. The letters are usually the first three letters of the author’s last name. The year is the year the book was published.
Dewey Decimal System (DDS) 174 KRE STA SVE ALT Numerical 2.Alphabetical 3.Year To find items using the DDS, search the call numbers in this order: ALT 2010 These call numbers are in order:
Dewey Decimal System (DDS) KRE STA SVE ALT 2010 Using the previous example: If a call number contains only one decimal place, imagine that it has an endless amount of zeros after that decimal to find its numerical place. 174 KRE STA SVE ALT 2010 Would look like this: ALT ALT 2010 TIP
Dewey Decimal System (DDS) KRE STA SVE ALT ALT Comes before is the same, so STA comes before SVE comes before comes before
Remember that these are the call numbers: 174 KRE STA SVE ALT ALT 2010 The added zeros were just for help: KRE STA SVE ALT ALT 2010
Now you try it: KRU ALT EST EUA BAR 2007 Put these books in order
If this is the way you put them… KRU ALT EST EUA BAR 2007 You got it right!
If this is the way you put them… KRU ALT EST EUA BAR is the same, so EUA comes before KRU comes before comes before comes before
For any additional help, ask a librarian. Created by Rebecca Guillen April 2012