Do You Know What’s In Our Outdoor Classroom? By Carol Rogers
PROJECT OVERVIEW Name of Project: “Do You Know What’s In Our Outdoor Classroom?” Duration: 2 weeks in spring Subject/Course: Science Teacher(s): Carol Rogers Grade Level: 1 st Grade Other subject areas to be included, if any: Math and Technology Project Idea Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: Our outdoor classroom is not being utilized. Is it because the teachers, students, and community don’t know enough about it and how they can use it? Is the outdoor classroom safe for the students? My students will explore the outdoor classroom and create a book about their observations to share in hopes it will get others excited about our outdoor classroom. The book will include tips for teachers about how to use the outdoor classroom safely. It will be created by the students and teacher together. Driving Question What lives in our outdoor classroom and how can we use it safely? Content and Skills Standards to be addressed: SW be able to: identify plant/animal life and know their basic needs, collect data and make graphs, and use disposable cameras. Standards-Science-Special Characteristics and Needs of Plants 1-2, Math –Represent and Interpret Data 1.MD, and ITEEA Standard 1 Students will develop an understanding of technology.
PROJECT CALENDAR Project: Do You Know What Lives in Our Outdoor Classroom?Start Date: Spring after testing (2 to 3 weeks) MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY PROJECT WEEK ONE -TW read “Wonders of Nature”- J.W. Watson -SW have a discussion on what is nature with teacher using bubble thinking map. Where is nature and relate it to outdoor classroom. SW predict what they think lives in the outdoor classroom. TW make a chart of their predictions. -Assign Groups -TW introduce project. - DNR representative come and discuss what might live in the outdoor classroom and what to look for. -SW compare their list of predictions to what the DNR representative says. -SW create questionnaires with teacher. - SW pass out questionnaires and collect data in groups. - SW tally questionnaires about use of the outdoor classroom. -SW make a bar graph of data TW introduce “Driving Question” -“What lives in our outdoor classroom and how can we use it safely?” -TW read “Why Should I Protect Nature?’-J. Green -TW present rules of using the outdoor classroom. -SW discuss safety in the outdoor classroom and tell students to be thinking of safety tips to follow. -TW explain how to use the disposable cameras. -SW will practice using the cameras in the classroom and on the playground.
PROJECT WEEK TWO - Groups will explore outdoor classroom and take pictures with disposable cameras. -SW take their journals to take notes in. -SW report out on their observations. -TW list plants and animals students observed. -TW discuss needs of plants and animals. -SW discuss safety issues of outdoor classroom. - SW view pictures of the outdoor classroom in groups. -Groups will share their pictures with whole class. -SW select their plant or animal to draw. - SW visit library to find books on their plant or animal. -SW have independent reading with their books during reading workshop. - TW read “What Color is Nature?”- S.R. Swinburne -SW draw their plant or animal. -SW write 3 facts about their plant or animal during writer’s workshop.
PROJECT WEEK THREE - TW discuss safety tips with students and help them make a list of tips to include in book. - SW make their presentations to the class and TW use PBL rubric to assess. -DNR representative will be invited to presentations. -SW make a presentation to another class.
Lesson Plan #1 What is Nature? First Grade Objective: SW will learn all about nature and predict what plants or animals they will see in our outdoor classroom. Method: TW read the book, “Wonders of Nature”- J.W. Watson TW lead a discussion with the students about nature. SW predict what they might see in the outdoor classroom. Procedure: TW ask students what they think nature is? TW do a bubble diagram showing their answers. TW read book to sdents. Tell them that nature is all around them. It is the bird we see fly outside our window and the little bug we find inside our house. Nature is our backyard and is also the mountains. Nature is everywhere and we are living in it. TW ask students if they have ever been in nature and what did they see? SW share their nature experiences. TW ask them if we would see nature in our outdoor classroom? SW draw a picture of what they might see in the outdoor classroom. SW share their pictures with the class and TW list ideas on a chart. TW explain project to them and present the driving question.
Lesson Plan #2 Graphing-1 st Grade Summary: Daily Graph is designed to be a math extension of any and all topics that are being discussed in the classroom. This lesson includes many graphing ideas. Main Curriculum Tie: Mathematics - 1st Grade Standard 3 Objective 3 Collect, organize, and represent simple data. Standard 3 Objective 3 Materials: Chart paper, Unifix cubes, balance scales, clocks, sticky notes, and popsicle sticks Instructional Procedures: Collect data as students arrive in the morning or as they return to the classroom following lunch or after recess. Collecting data can be done in a variety of ways. Be creative and use as many different methods and materials as possible. Instructional Procedures Each day each student should participate in the daily data collection and graphing experience by adding to the class data.participate After each student has participated, the teacher facilitates a discussion about the data collected. Below is a list of ideas for the daily graph exercise. Are you a boy or a girl? How do you fasten your shoes? What is your favorite pizza? Which color do you like best? How many pets do you have? What color is your hair? What color are your eyes? What is your favorite sport? What flavor of ice cream do you like? What is your favorite weather? How many consonants are in your name? How many vowels are in your name? How many letters are in your name? What is your favorite holiday? What is your favorite season? How did you get to school today? What is your favorite subject at school? How many buttons do you have today? What is your favorite day of the week? What month is your birthday? What is your favorite coin? How many times have you visited the outdoor classroom? What is your favorite time of the day?
Lesson Plan #3 Technology – 1 st Grade Objective: Students will learn how to use a disposable camera. Standard: ITEEA Standard 1 Students will develop an understanding of technology. Procedure: TW explain different parts of the camera and their uses. TW demonstrate how to take a picture. With their partners, SW identify the parts of the camera. SW practice looking through the viewfinder and seeing what they want to take a picture of. SW will wind cameras forward to take another picture. SW practice taking pictures in the classroom with partners.
Participation (20) Did student collaborate with the other students and add to the discussions? Drawing (20) Does the drawing have the necessary elements to tell what it is? Written Facts (20) Are there three accurate facts? Neatness and Creativity (20) Are the facts written neatly and is the picture original? Presentation (20) Did the student read the facts, speak clearly, and answer questions about their presentation? Total Points Earned Comments: Name____________________ PBL Rubric
Can you see what lives in our outdoor classroom?