What I’ve learned as a teacher over the past year. Steven Batcheler
Assessment Training Institute Summer of 2012 Myron Deuik Dansville School System
My goal as a teacher: It is my belief that my job as a teacher is to be the student’s coach of learning. It is my job to provide the student with the tools, guidance, advice and opportunity to learn knowledge, skills and abilities related to this course. My goal and intent is not to try and trick, the student. My goal and intent is not to punish the student’s academic growth due to poor personal choices or circumstances.
85% - Semester Average 75% - Summative Assessments (quiz/test) 10% - Formative Assessments/Work Habits (homework) 15% - Labs (group work) +15% - Final Exam. 100% - Final Class Grade A student’s grade should be reflective of their knowledge, skill and abilities demonstrated NOT their behavior. Trying hard isn’t enough.
Method Used: Standards ***See example unit*** Topic 6.3 Magnetic Forces and Fields 1. List of standards 2. Expected Calendar 3. PPTX with standards 4. Notes with standards 5. Test with standards 6. Summary with standards ALL AVALIBLE ON WEB SITE AND EDMODO
Assessments Broken down into sections (see attached examples) Each section deals with individual parts of a standard Used during ILT for remediation Can’t re-take without proof of practice Decimal System In front of decimal is latest grade 1 st number after decimal is number of re-takes 2 nd and 3 rd number after the decimal is original score.
Standards ***See example unit*** Topic 6.3 Magnetic Forces and Fields Helps to keep me organized Helps to keep the course organized Helps to keep the students organized Helps students know what to expect! HELPS STUDENT KNOW WHAT TO REMEDIATE!!!
Why give re-takes? Draw graph of three students.