Welcome to the JAMS Library Ms. Whitt – Teacher-Librarian
Your place for:
Books Magazines Computers and the Internet Help with Research
When can I use the library? During homeroom During school – assigned by teacher Every day after school – until 3:15 Mon., Wed. and Thurs. until 4:00 Printing only during homeroom and after school Always bring your ID
How can I find things in the library?
Our popular fiction books are shelved alphabetically by the author’s last name.
But I may not know the author!
We make it easy for you so you don’t have to guess! Just visit our friendly online catalog and it will tell you where you can find books that you are interested in.
Here’s a quick trip to the Library Catalog! Click here
How do I find other books – something other than popular fiction?
Non-fiction books are grouped together by topic using a numbering system – without it we would be lost!
We call that system the Dewey Decimal System.
Dewey’s System Info Science, Publishing 000’s Philosophy/ Psychology 100’s Religion 200’s Social issues, government 300’s Language 400’s Science 500’s Tech./Health 600’s Arts and recreation 700’s Literature,poems 800’s Geography and History 900’s
Do the Dewey Derby! Where would I find the following book titles? 000’s – info science 100’s – psychology, philosophy 200’s – religion 300’s – social issues 400’s – languages 500’s – sciences 600’s – tech, health 700’s – art, recreation 800’s – literature 900’s – history
But then where do I find a book on the use of Drugs in Sports? Under Health (600’s)? Under Recreation (700’s)? Under Social Issues (300’s)?
Let’s take another quick trip to the Library Catalog! Click here
Let us know if you can’t find it!
You can also find resources on our JAMS Website.
What are the rules for our library? Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Respect other people and their work – talk quietly. Respect our books and equipment. Do NOT change any settings on our computers or visit non-school related sites. Sign in for computers before/after school or when here without a teacher. Bring your ID. Return checked out books on time. See me when you get a late notice. Headphones are only for assignments. Bring your own ear buds and only use them with your teacher’s permission.
Look for future activities in our library media center.
We’ll see you here soon!