Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrances Planned Go Live May 1, 2015
Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance – Go Live May 1, 2015 Salaried Employees Recurring Additional Pay Encumbered through the end of the Fiscal Year – August 31, 2015 Fringe Benefit Encumbrance – Planned Go Live September 1, 2015 Testing of Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance Process – March 23 through April 24, 2015 Baseline Calculation and Validation Payroll Liquidation Process Funding and Job Record Changes – Recalculation of Encumbrance Reports: Budget Overview, MFR, New Custom Reports Impacts to other processes such as Accounting Actuals and Grant Project Costing Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance – Go Live May 1, 2015 Salaried Employees Recurring Additional Pay Encumbered through the end of the Fiscal Year – August 31, 2015 Fringe Benefit Encumbrance – Planned Go Live September 1, 2015 Testing of Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance Process – March 23 through April 24, 2015 Baseline Calculation and Validation Payroll Liquidation Process Funding and Job Record Changes – Recalculation of Encumbrance Reports: Budget Overview, MFR, New Custom Reports Impacts to other processes such as Accounting Actuals and Grant Project Costing
Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance Calculation Processes Baseline each September 1 of a new Fiscal Year Annual Salary or Academic Year Salary if a 9 month contract Annual Additional Pay (if recurring and not just one time) Liquidation after payroll process Reduces current encumbrances by the amount paid in the payroll just completed Recalculation of Encumbrances as a result of job changes and/or funding changes Salary and Additional Pay Encumbrance Calculation Processes Baseline each September 1 of a new Fiscal Year Annual Salary or Academic Year Salary if a 9 month contract Annual Additional Pay (if recurring and not just one time) Liquidation after payroll process Reduces current encumbrances by the amount paid in the payroll just completed Recalculation of Encumbrances as a result of job changes and/or funding changes
Formula for Encumbrance Calculations 12 Month Employees (365 Days in a Year) (Annual Rate/365)*# of days left in the fiscal year = Projected Encumbrance # of days left in a fiscal year for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 123 days Faculty – 9 Month Contract (273 Days September 1 through May 31) (Academic Compensation Value/273)*# of days left in the academic year = Projected Encumbrance # of days left in academic year for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 31 days Formula for Encumbrance Calculations 12 Month Employees (365 Days in a Year) (Annual Rate/365)*# of days left in the fiscal year = Projected Encumbrance # of days left in a fiscal year for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 123 days Faculty – 9 Month Contract (273 Days September 1 through May 31) (Academic Compensation Value/273)*# of days left in the academic year = Projected Encumbrance # of days left in academic year for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 31 days
Formula for Encumbrance Calculations – Continued Faculty – 4.5 Month Contract (136 Days for 4.5 Months – Fall or Spring) (Semester Compensation Value/136)*# of days left in the spring academic semester = Projected Encumbrance # of days left in spring academic semester for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 31 days Additional Pay Please note that additional pay TMP and SUP earnings will roll into the account code of REG earnings. So if a discrepancy is found when calculating your REG earnings please be sure to check if the employee should be receiving a TMP or SUP supplement. Formula for Encumbrance Calculations – Continued Faculty – 4.5 Month Contract (136 Days for 4.5 Months – Fall or Spring) (Semester Compensation Value/136)*# of days left in the spring academic semester = Projected Encumbrance # of days left in spring academic semester for projected encumbrance May 1 st forward is 31 days Additional Pay Please note that additional pay TMP and SUP earnings will roll into the account code of REG earnings. So if a discrepancy is found when calculating your REG earnings please be sure to check if the employee should be receiving a TMP or SUP supplement.
To Use for Validating Encumbrance Values Navigation of PeopleSoft for Current Job Table Main Menu Workforce Administration Job Information Current Job Need EMPL ID or Name of incumbent Provides Compensation Rate Provides information needed for the incumbent assigned into a position Query for the Current Funding on a Department Budget Table Main Menu HCM Reporting Tools Query Query Viewer Query Name: UTS_CA_POSITIONS_FUNDED_FILLED Provides current funding of positions that are currently filled Provides distribution % on split funding To Use for Validating Encumbrance Values Navigation of PeopleSoft for Current Job Table Main Menu Workforce Administration Job Information Current Job Need EMPL ID or Name of incumbent Provides Compensation Rate Provides information needed for the incumbent assigned into a position Query for the Current Funding on a Department Budget Table Main Menu HCM Reporting Tools Query Query Viewer Query Name: UTS_CA_POSITIONS_FUNDED_FILLED Provides current funding of positions that are currently filled Provides distribution % on split funding
Custom Reports Currently Being Tested Payroll Liquidation Budget Actuals to Encumbrance Details Encumbrance Details by Employee ID and Salary Salary Roster Custom Reports Currently Being Tested Payroll Liquidation Budget Actuals to Encumbrance Details Encumbrance Details by Employee ID and Salary Salary Roster