PPTA Governance Review Longer term Considerations
Lessons learned from other chapters Leadership development is desirable and a stronger focus in some chapters Assembly of Delegates or representatives is present in FL, CA, TX, NY, MA who all have presence in health policy in the House motion making and year round governance models Explicit ties to educational communities is present in some of the chapters we researched Fl had a larger BoD and more “panels” to increase the number involved. Panels in Fl were similar to option 1 and 2
Options There are 3 options being presented for consideration and the number of the option is not reflective of the preference by the TF As TF members, we were asked to be creative and think outside our comfort zone While ideas are being presented to members and eventually presented to the Board for further work on detail and implementation, no plan has been adopted prior to the member feedback we are now seeking
Option One More a modification of the current structure 6 committees would be formed –Nominating; Ethics; Finance; Membership; Public Policy and Advocacy; Practice –The PAC would be a stand alone committee as originally discussed
Option One With option one, committees that currently exist that are not mentioned would be rolled into the functions of the 6 committees –For instance, Membership might include Public relations; Public policy and advocacy might include Insurance relations, Referral for profit and legislative; Practice might include professional development, research, SIG)) Each committee would have a coordinator who would be responsible for what the chair of committee is currently doing (agendas, workload management, board reports, attendance at meetings)
Option One 1-Nominating2-Ethics3-Finance 4-Membership (PR) 5-Public Policy and Advocacy (Insurance, RFP, DA, Legislative) 6-Practice (professional development, research, SIG)
Option One In the new structure, a minimum number of members would be suggested but the committee would have the option to add members as the work load demanded In the new structure, at least the six coordinators (or their representatives) and the district directors and the Board would attend the PPTA board meetings but it would be possible and sometimes necessary to have more members at the Board meeting based on the business and information needed.
Option One Additional members to a committee would not necessary have to be based on region and could be based on expertise alone Once the work of the additional members was completed, their assignment would end and the committee would toggle down the total number on the committee This structure would allow for flexibility in the number of participants for short term assignments
Option One This option calls for more work at the strategic planning level in April as well as throughout the year The committees could meet more frequently than the Board meetings Board meeting attendance would be at least one of the committee members preferably the chair and the current district directors and BoD for PPTA
Option One Advantages seen are the flexibility based on the work load, flex of member to accomplish tasks, short term assignments, alignment of current committees with similar goals Challenges would include better planning for goals and objectives in the year, condensing some of the committees as they exist, increased reliance on IT
Option 2 Option 2 splintered into an a and a b option Calls for more communication with the BoD throughout the year in addition ot he quarterly BoD meetings The splinter is based on the roll up or the solo existence of the SIG –While the TF recommends changing the name of the SIG, we will use the term SIG for the presentations so that everyone is aware of what we are referring
Option 2a/b 2aStanding committees: Finance, Ethics, Nominating, PAC 2b-standing committees: Finance, Ethics, Nominating, PAC, SIGs 3 additional work groups: member services, legislative, public health and governance –Governance would include representatives from the HoD in the structure –Each work group would be assigned a Chapter staff as point of contact for assistance
Option 2a Standing committees: Finance, Ethics, Nominating 3 additional work groups: member services, legislative, public health and governance –-member services would have a subgroup to address IT services A member of chapter staff would be assigned to each work group
Option 2b Standing committees: Finance, Ethics, Nominating, SIGs 3 additional work groups: member services, legislative, public health and governance A member of chapter staff would be assigned to each work group for assistance
Option 2a (b) Standing committees: Finance, Ethics, Nominating, PAC, (SIGs) Three Work groups: –Membership Activities would incorporate: SIG (unless option 2b), research, PR, professional development, membership, IT services –Legislative and Public Policy/Health Activities would incorporate reimbursement specialist, Insurance, Referral for profit, Direct access, legislative, HoD –Governance Activities would incorporate district directors, BoD for PPTA and a liaison from the HoD
Option 3 Work groups would be formed from member talent and ability to serve, not based on regional representation Topic areas would be created from strategic planning and the previous year work and form the basis of new work groups Creation of representative assembly, committees and panels was suggested
Next steps Collate the feedback for the members Present suggestions to the BoD in January for actionable items Present motions for the BoD for April for consideration Dissolve the TF by April 2013 as our job of presenting ideas will be complete. The hard work of detail and implementation will rest with the BoD
TF member list Robin Kris Von Karl Mike Rita Greg Jane Jeff Welk- Nate Barr-