The Acts of the Apostles Acts 1-8
Acts is vol. two; Gospel of Luke is vol. one –Both addressed to Theophilus –Acts begins: “In my former book....” Title – refers to apostles in the generic sense, those sent out (not the original 12) Acts is primarily concerned with Peter and Paul –Stephen and Philip in chapters 6-7, 8
Acts tells the story of Christianity expanding from Jerusalem to Rome and many places in between Shows how Jesus statement in 1:8 unfolded –“…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Acts 1-2 Thousands attended the Jewish festival Pentecost –Celebrated the early harvest –Also celebrated the giving of the law to Israel –Peter and the apostles preached the first sermon about Jesus at this festival –Many from all around the Mediterranean heard their message
Peter’s sermon (Acts 2) focused on Jesus being the Messiah and Israel rejecting him. Many were convinced by what Peter said and wanted to know how they could now be a part of Jesus’ followers Peter told them to repent of their ways and be baptized into the name of Jesus 3000 were baptized that day
After Pentecost the apostles continued preaching and healing the sick Many of the new Christians began –Meeting together in their homes –Studying with the apostles to learn more about Jesus –Selling their possessions to help those away from their homes stay in Jerusalem longer Also to help the poor Barnabas is mentioned specifically in this regard
The Jewish officials arrested Peter and John and threatened them about teaching in the name of Jesus Later, all the apostles were arrested –They continued teaching about Jesus –The officials wanted to kill them –Gamaliel (a Jewish teacher) cautioned them against killing the apostles Said if this is from God we would be opposing Him –The had the apostles beaten then released
Seven men were chosen to help with the distribution of food to Hellenistic widows –Evidently, some were being overlooked –Stephen and Philip were two of these men Steven was also a gifted speaker and got in trouble with the authorities as he defended his faith Spoke against their rejection of Jesus –Outraged listeners stoned him to death Saul was part of the group that killed Stephen
Philip was among the people that fled Jerusalem when the persecution after Stephen’s death began –Philip went to Samaria and preached about Jesus as the Messiah –Peter and John went to Samaria to “check out” the Samaritans who were accepting Jesus as the Messiah –They too began teaching Samaritans
Next, Philip went south toward Gaza Met a man from Ethiopia –Taught him about Jesus the Messiah –Baptized him Philip then went to Caesarea
Roman Road between Jerusalem and Gaza
Roman Mile Markers