Ancient Rome Rise of Christianity
Key Terms Jesus Apostle Diaspora Constantine
Conquering of Judea Judea was home of the Jews Romans arrived to Judea in 63 B.C. Did not control until A.D. 6, making it a province of the empire Many Jews believed they would be free again by the Messiah, or savior sent by God
Jesus of Nazareth Born in Bethlehem, a town in Judea, around 6 or 4 B.C. Raised in village of Nazareth in northern Palestine Took up trade of carpentry Not much is known until He was about 30 years old
Jesus of Nazareth For 3 years He preached, taught, did good works, and reportedly performed miracles Taught many ideas from the Jewish faith, including monotheism and the Ten Commandments
Jesus of Nazareth Emphasized God’s personal relationship with each individual Taught to love everyone Taught God would end wickedness and create an eternal kingdom for after death for people who asked for forgiveness of their sins
Apostles Very little historical records about Jesus Gospels from the New Testament tell us of His teachings Gospels were written by 12 of Jesus’ students/followers who later became known as the apostles
Jesus’ Death His popularity grew amongst the people Scared Roman and Jewish leaders Around A.D. 29, He visited Jerusalem Greeted in Jerusalem as the Messiah Chief priest of the Jews denied that Jesus was the Messiah
Jesus’ Death Jewish priests said his teachings were blasphemy Pontius Pilate, a Roman governor, accused Jesus of defying the authority of Rome Pilate arrested Jesus and sentenced him to be crucified
Jesus’ Death Body placed in a tomb Gospels say His body was not present 3 days later and that He began appearing to followers Apostles more convinced Jesus was the Messiah, and gave him the name Jesus Christ Christos is Greek form savior or messiah
Christianity Spreads Follower continued to spread Jesus’ teachings Began to create religion based on his messages Roman government opposed Christianity, but continued to spread throughout the empire The apostle Paul spread ideas and welcomed all converts, Jew or Gentile
Jewish Rebellion Jews rebelled against Rome Romans focused on land of Jesus’ birth Romans destroy temple complex, except for western wall, now a shrine for Jews Second rebellion failed, and Jews were forced out of their homeland, the Diaspora
Persecution of Christians Emperors viewed Christians as a threat to Rome Christians were persecuted, or treated harshly As Pax Romana fell apart, Christians were exiled, imprisoned, or executed
Appeal of Christianity Embraced all people Gave hope to the powerless Appealed to those who did not enjoy Roman life Offered relationship with a loving God Promised eternal life after death
Constantine Roman emperor who prayed for divine help for a battle, and then reported seeing a cross across the river Ordered cross to be painted on soldiers shields Victorious Credited to help from the Christian God
Constantine Ended persecution of Christians in A.D. 313 Christianity an approved religion by the emperor In the year 380, the emperor Theodosius made Christianity official religion
Early Churches Eventually every city had a church with priests Leader of Christian church was called the pope Rise of Christianity When Rome Ruled the World... Rise of Christianity When Rome Ruled the World...
Reflection Based on your knowledge of Rome, why was Christianity a considered a threat to the Roman empire?