Hearing Jesus Being Saved
To Hear Jesus To believe in Jesus, one must hear Jesus. Jesus said to come and learn of Him. Matt 11:27-30 The apostles to teach the world about Jesus. Matt 28:19-20 Even Moses foretold of the need to hear Jesus. Acts 3:22-23
To Hear Jesus To hear Jesus is to hear the heavenly Father. Jesus said that no one can know the Father unless the Son reveals the Father to him. Matt 11:25-27 No one can come to the Father except through Jesus. John 14:6-7 The one who confesses the Son has the Father. 1 John 2:23
Hear Jesus and Be Saved Jesus has told all who will listen to believe on Him and His name. John 3:14-16 John 8:24 Mark 16:1
Hear Jesus and Be Saved Jesus has commanded all men to repent of their sins. Luke 13:2-5 Luke 24:46-47
Hear Jesus and Be Saved Jesus has commanded men to profess their belief. Luke 12:8 If one fears or is unwilling to confess their belief in Christ, they will unlikely be willing to follow Christ.
Hear Jesus and Be Saved Jesus has commanded men to be baptized. John 3:3-5 Matt 28:19-20 Mark 16:15-16
Will You Hear Jesus? If you believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, then repent by turning away from sin and turning to Him and His word, confessing your belief and obeying His command to be baptized. Jesus said that if you do so, then you shall be saved, your sins being forgiven by the heavenly Father.