NC Division of Employment & Training February JobLink MIS North Carolina
NC Division of Employment & Training February Philosophy North Carolina know three things about our JobLink customers: Who are they? Why are they coming to the JobLink Centers? What happens to them?
NC Division of Employment & Training February Who Are Our Customers? In order to obtain a swipe card, individuals entering the JobLink center must meet with a staff person. JobLink staff gathers personal and demographic information from the customer and enters the information into the database The JobLink MIS is linked to the NC ESC data base. If an individual has registered with ESC, their information will populate the JLMIS information screen The customer is issued a card with a unique identifier
NC Division of Employment & Training February Who Are Our Customers? The swipe cards contain no information All identifying information is housed in the server at the ESC state office If a customer loses (or forgets to bring in) their card, a new card can be issued, and all customer information is then linked to both card numbers
NC Division of Employment & Training February Swipe Card
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February Why Are They Here? When the customer enters the center, they swipe their card at the Automated Office Check-In station Each station has a touch pad screen connected to a card reader and a computer There are three levels of service in the centers: Self Service Staff Assisted Services Unemployment Insurance Claims Services
NC Division of Employment & Training February Why Are They Here?
NC Division of Employment & Training February Services Provided by Staff Career Counseling Help with a Job Search Information on the Labor Market Determine Your Job Skills Training Class or Workshop Information on Training & Education Other Services Veterans Case Management
NC Division of Employment & Training February Services Provided by Staff If the customer requests staff supported services, they then select a time block for each staff supported service selected If the appointed time in soon, the customer takes a seat in the waiting area until the appointed time Customers can also make appointments in advance and leave the center until it is time for their meeting Upon their return, they swipe their card and check in via the touch screen to let staff know they have arrived
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February Self Services Use A Computer in Career Resource Room Search Jobs Prepare Resume Etc. Use the Phone or Fax Machine
NC Division of Employment & Training February Self Services Customers indicate which self service they plan to complete during their visit: Search the Internet Submit Job Applications/Resumes Prepare Resume Search for Available Jobs Use Search for Career Information Search for Job Market Information Use the Phone or Fax machine
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February Unemployment Insurance Claims Services File a New Unemployment Insurance Claim Problem with an Unemployment Insurance Claim
NC Division of Employment & Training February What Was Provided? The JLMIS data base will only provide information related to the JobLink activities. If a JobLink customer is also served by other program (WIA, VR, etc.) information related to those program services must be obtained from the programs’ individual data bases.
NC Division of Employment & Training February What Was Provided? There are 3 security levels for the JLMIS JobLink Center Access For staff at an individual JobLink Center to see the activities of that center only Workforce Board Access For Local Area staff to see the activities of all JobLink Centers in the Local Area, individually and collectively State Level Access For state staff to see all data on all centers Can be reviewed by JobLink center, Local Area, or statewide
NC Division of Employment & Training February What Was Provided? There are currently 7 reports that can be run for each JobLink Center Customers Served Outcomes/Services/Reasons Core Services Agency Referrals Customer Characteristics Services by Staff Services by Zip Code
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February
NC Division of Employment & Training February General Information The system is internet based and real time The pilot started with 8 JobLink centers scattered across the state By then of March 2006, we should have the technology in all chartered JobLink centers Plans are in place to have all screens available in Spanish. Translations have been completed and programming is in progress. The initial screen will then read like so many of our ATMs, allowing customers to select a preferred language
NC Division of Employment & Training February CONTACT INFORMATION Mr. Danny Giddens Senior Policy Associate NC Commission on Workforce Development 301 North Wilmington Street 4327 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC Phone: Fax: