Greek Roots 1-25. Greek Root: a-, an- Root: a-, an- Meaning: without, not Visual Representation:Word List: Achromatic Amoral Anarchy.


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Presentation transcript:

Greek Roots 1-25

Greek Root: a-, an- Root: a-, an- Meaning: without, not Visual Representation:Word List: Achromatic Amoral Anarchy

Greek Root: amphi-, amph- Root: amphi-, amph- Meaning: both, around Visual Representation:Word List: Amphibious Amphitheater

Greek Root: anti-, ant- Root: anti-, ant- Meaning: against, counter Visual Representation:Word List: Antidote Antagonist Antacid

Greek Root 4: ec, ex Root: ec, ex Meaning: out Visual Representation:Word List: Except Exclude Eccentric

Greek Root 5: en Root: en Meaning: in Visual Representation:Word List: Enact Endear Encompass

Greek Root 6: hypo Root: hypo Meaning: under, below Visual Representation:Word List: Hypocrite Hypoglycemia Hypochondria Hypotenuse Hypothermia Hypothesis

Greek Root 7: hyper- Root: Hyper- Meaning: Over, above Visual:Word List: * hyperactive * hypercritical * hyperbole * hyperlink * hypersensitive * hyperventilate

Greek Root 8: peri- Root: Peri- Meaning: Around Visual:Word List: * perimeter * periscope * peripheral * perihelion * periodic * periodontal

Greek Root 9: pro- Root: Pro- Meaning: Before, in front of Visual:Word List: * profound * protect * program * prospects * prognosis *provision

Greek Root 10: syn, sym Root: syn, sym Meaning: together, with Visual:Word List: Symphony Symmetry Synonym Synchronize Symbol Sympathy Synthesize Synopsis Syndrome

 Anthropic: of or pertaining to mankind.  Anthropogenesis: study of the development and origin of man,  Anthropolatry: the worship of man as god.  Anthropoglot: animal with a tongue like man.  Anthropomorphic: ascribing human form or attributes to a being or thing not human.

Greek Root 11: anthrop Root: anthrop Meaning: man, mankind Visual:Word List: Anthropology Philanthropist Anthropocentric Anthropogenic Anthropoid Anthropomorphism



Greek Root 12: phil Root: phil Meaning: love Visual:Word List: Philanthropist Philosophy Philanderer Philharmonic Philology

Mis/Miso- Hate Examples: 1.Misanthrope-a hater of mankind 2.Misogynist- a hater of women 3. Misopedia- a hatred of ones children 4. Misarchrist- a hatred of government or authority 5. Misocainia-The hatred of something new or strange

Greek Root 13: mis, miso Root: mis, miso Meaning: hate, bad Visual:Word List: Misanthrope Misogamy Misogyny Misology Misoneism Misadventure Misunderstanding

ROOT 14: PHON MEANING: sound o Phonetic- relating to speech o Phonograph- instrument that reproduces sound o Phoneme- smallest unit of speech o Phonics- the science of sound o Phonate- to produce vocal sound EXAMPLES

Greek Root 14: phon Root: phon Meaning: sound Visual:Word List: Phonics Phonetic Microphone Megaphone Phonograph

Root #15 Graph, Gram= write, draw, record Words 1.Graphology- The study of handwritings 2.Autograph- Written with one’s own hand 3.Seismograph- A machine noting strength and duration of earthquakes 4.Graphics- The art of drawing, especially in mathematics and engineering 5.Graphite- A very common mineral used to make pencil lead 6.Graphophone- A phonograph for recording and reproducing sounds on wax records 7.Grapheme- A minimal unit of a writing system

Greek Root 15: graph, gram Root: graph, gram Meaning: write, draw, record Visual:Word List: Graphic Biography Autograph Photograph Geography Choreograph Grammar Diagram

Irwin Carrasco

Greek Root 16: scop, scept Root: scop, scept Meaning: examine, look at Visual:Word List: Telescope Microscope Arthroscopic Skeptic Speculate

EU-GOOD/WELL Euphoria: feeling of well being. Euphemism: replacing an offensive word with a good one. Euphonious: having a pleasant sound. Eulogy: Words of praise for the dead. Eugenics: Breeding to improve a race. Eudaemony: a state of happiness/ well being.

Greek Root 17: eu Root: eu Meaning: good, well Visual:Word List: Euphoria Eulogy Euphemism Euthanasia

Caco-Bad Ricci Epperson

Root: caco meaning: bad or evil Cacodemon: an evil spirit or devil Cacodental: badly positioned teeth Cacodermia: bad skin Cacodorous: bad odor Cacoeptist : person with pad pronunciation of words

Greek Root 18: caco Root: caco Meaning: bad Visual:Word List: Cacophony Cacography Cacodemon Cacoepy

Rhiannon Garrett

Greek Root 19: mega, megalo Root: mega, megalo Meaning: large Visual:Word List: Megaphone Megabyte Megalomania Megalith Megalopolis

Greek Root #20 Micro By Pedro Gonzalez

Micro  Micro = Small or Tiny  Microscope = optical instrument that lets you see tiny things  Microchip = small chip used in electronic devices  Microscopic = so small cant be seen with naked eye  Micrometer = a method or instrument for dealing with small quantities  Microsecond = very small amount of time (one millionth of a second)

Greek Root 20: micro Root: micro Meaning: small Visual:Word List: Microscope Microbe Micromanage Microphone Microcosm Microbiology

Tel, Tele, Telo = Far or Distant Finn Gullickson Telegraph- a signal sent over a long distance by making or breaking electrical connection Telephone - a device that transfers sound over long distances Telepathy- the supposed communication of thoughts Telogenesis- the process of erosion or oxidation that happens to sedimentary rocks Teleport- to be transported across space or distance instantly

Greek Root 21: tel, tele, telo Root: tel, tele, telo Meaning: far, distant Visual:Word List: Telephone Television Telescope Telecommunication Telepathy

Meaning: Rule, Govern Examples: 1. Anarchy- A state without government 2. Endarchy- Government from an inner center of control 3. Monarch- A single ruler such as a king 4. Antimonarchic- opposed to monarchial government. 5. Anarchize- To reduce to anarchy 6. Archimage- The rulers of fire

Greek Root 22: arch, archi Root: arch, archi Meaning: rule, govern, extreme Visual:Word List: Monarchy Anarchy Archrival Hierarchy Matriarch Patriarch Architect

Root: dem Meaning: people Democracy-People government Democrat-A person who believes in democracy Demagogue- a popular leader Demograph- a report of anthropology Endemic- a disease or condition found on people in certain areas.

Greek Root 23: dem Root: dem Meaning: people Visual:Word List: Democracy Demagogue Demography Demeanor


ROOT: GON MEANING - ANGLE Word list: Decagon - a polygon with 10 angles Diagonal - a slanting line running across a space Octagon - a geometrical figure with 8 angles Trigonometry - the branch of mathematics that deals with the relations between the sides and angles of plane or spherical triangles, and the calculations based on them. Goniometer - an instrument for measuring solid angles, as of crystals

Greek Root 24: gon Root: gon Meaning: angle Visual:Word List: Polygon Hexagon Pentagon Gondola

Misha Kummel

Greek Root 25: gyn Root: gyn Meaning: women Visual:Word List: Misogynist Gynecologist Gynarchy Gynephobia