CCB Resources for Shape Modeling, Analysis and Visualization Yonggang Shi Laboratory of Neuro Imaging (LONI), UCLA
Shape Analysis Challenges Segmentation -Jonathan Morra Segmentation -Jonathan Morra HARDI reconstruction–Vishal Patel HARDI reconstruction–Vishal Patel Mapping 2D contours -Shantanu Joshi Mapping 2D contours -Shantanu Joshi Mapping 3D surfaces –Yonggang Shi Mapping 3D surfaces –Yonggang Shi
Software: LONI Pipeline Workflows LONI Pipeline ( LONI Pipeline (
Machine Learning Based Approaches to Subcortical Segmentation Auto context model/AdaBoost is used to automatically learn object affinities and represent image based features for the classification Auto context model/AdaBoost is used to automatically learn object affinities and represent image based features for the classification
Modeling of HARDI and ODF Shape Statistics for Population Comparisons HARDI: High-angular resolution diffusion imaging ODF: Orientation distribution function
Statistical Shape Analysis of Curves Riemannian Metric on the Shape Manifold
Direct 3D Shape Mapping & Shape Characterization Shape Characterization With Laplace-Beltrami Eigen Spectra
CD Materials README.html file PowerPoint Slides Folder Publications folder Pipeline Workflows folder Pipeline Client folder (V.4.3) OS X Windows Linux/Unix Pipeline Neuroimaging Solutions Handbook Shape Analysis Workshop ISBI 2009 PPTs Pubs Workflows Pipeline Handbook