David R. McWilliams, Ph.D. Section of Statistical Genetics, Department of Biostatistical Sciences, Center for Public Health Genomics Bioinformatician IV Bacterial Proteomics Carbohydrate and Lipid Chemistry
Bioinformatic Infrastructure Development Familiarity with both Wake Forest computational clusters Evaluation, comparison, installation and maintenance of open-source software tools Computational ‘pipeline development’ – Automated processing, summary and analysis of thousands of files. Documentation of process. NGS Pipeline – ‘One button’ NGS data analysis from mapped reads to the variant file.
Clinical Sequencing Support Participation in training for Life Technologies’ Ion Torrent bioinformatics pipeline Statistical analysis of Ion Torrent variant calls
Group Assets Extensive experience with genetic data QC issues and procedures Novel analysis algorithm development Automated annotation software development Machine learning experience SAS, R, Perl, Java, Fortran, C, shell, SQL