What are the characteristics of the various stages of memory? The “standard” model of memory Sensory memory Working memory –Coding information into Working memory –Peterson & Peterson’s demonstration –Distinguishing between Working memory and Long-term memory (LTM)
Primacy effect Recency effect Frequency Distinctiveness Organization Visual imagery –(Mnemonic device) Reconstruction Concepts arising out of the initial class demonstration:
Attention Encoding Sensory Memory Working Memory LTM Sensory Input.5” - 3” duration Maintenance Rehearsal 10” - 15” duration Indefinite duration Retrieval Three-Stores Model of Memory (See Gleitman, p. 245)
Acoustic (echoic) memory Tactile memory Sperling’s demonstration Tachistoscope Visual (iconic) memory (Gleitman pp ) eidetic memory mental rotation (Gleitman, p.280)
HRFZJMVLBKCSHRFZJMVLBKCS Example of the type of short-duration display used in George Sperling’s studies of visual memory:
Interval before recall (sec.) % items recalled Peterson & Peterson study
Recency effect and working memory: Effect of delay between list and test 30-second delay 0-second delay Recency Effect (See also Gleitman, p. 246)
Primacy effect and long-term memory: Effect of rate of presentation of words Slow (2 sec. per word) Primacy Effect Serial position % items recalled Fast (1 sec. per word) (See also Gleitman, p. 246)