Strategies for Teaching Non- native Speakers of English AWC Faculty Workshop 2011
Who am I? Ellen Cohen Professor of ESL for 30 + years, past 23 at AWC
Who are you? Full Time AWC Professor? Part Time AWC Professor Other? What do you teach? How do you know if there are non-native speakers of English in your classes? Have you tried to learn another language? If so, do you consider yourself fluent?
What is your primary teaching mode? Face to Face Oral Lecture Written “Lecture” Power Point, Slides, Films On-line, Chat Room, ITN, Pre-recorded Video Other
What do all of these teaching modes have in common? LANGUAGE
Of all of the world’s 6000 currently spoken languages, English is the _____________ most difficult language to learn. Choose one: 1 st 2 nd 5 th 10th
Obstacles to Learning List Round Robin
Obstacles Choose 4 obstacles Discuss & Analyze Causes Teacher caused = T Student caused = S Oral language caused = OL Written language caused = WL Behavior = B (TB, SB) Don’t know = ??
Did you think about...? Teacher talk Speed, accent, clarity, volume, repetition Use of idiomatic expressions, abbreviations and acronyms, references to American culture, generation gap
Did you think about...? Student Behavior How do you want students to interact with the information in your classes? Speak, write, confer, discuss, analyze, do? Learning styles: visual, kinesthetic, verbal, aural Regurgitation vs Critical Thinking
What hinders? Fast mumbling speech Culturally based references/humor/puns Lack of repetition both orally and written Idiomatic use of words: “Do you get it?” vs. “Do you understand?” “It’s not a big deal vs. “It’s not important.” Last minute instructions and information Tangential information/stories/digression
What helps? Speak slowly and clearly. Use fewer idiomatic expressions. Provide synonyms, alternative definitions and explanations. Give instructions verbally and in written form before students get ready to leave. Give students time to process information and to form questions.
What helps? Use as many modalities as possible: visual, verbal, kinesthetic, aural. Make students feel welcome. Try to learn another language. (Try to write a 5 paragraph essay in that language and take notes, too!)
What helps? Ask students to restate your questions. Ask students to restate information. Anonymous 2 minute papers clear/unclear Patience Repetition/restatement Encourage and smile!