Change Teams in PE and across the School Hear how students and teachers are working together to improve the learning experience in PE and how the concept has developed to impact across the curriculum and in other subjects King Alfreds Sports College Wantage James Maddern
Aims: Greater understanding of ‘Change Teams’ Driving Change Teams across the School as a Whole School initiative. Raising the profile & importance of ‘Change Teams’ across the College. How to ensure there is positive impact to teaching & learning
King Alfred’s Change Team Vision Each Change Team to work independently on trying to bring about positive change to their subject in relation to teaching & learning Focus – Curriculum Areas
‘Student voice is not only sought but responded to and acted on positively to bring about changes in provision’. ‘ OFSTED 2009
PE Change Team Across Departments Raising the profile of ‘Change Teams’ across the college Impact to Teaching & Learning PE Regional Hub Site Journey from PE to Whole College
‘Student Voice’ is now written into DCSF guidance. It is a recognised part of school inspections. It impacts on school development plans. It is even deemed to deserve initial capital letters. The attention given to students’ views is seemingly greater now than it has ever been before. It is perhaps ironic, then, that most schools still rely on the most traditional mechanism around for listening to students: the school council’ (DCSF)
The NASUWT is absolutely clear that pupils should play an active, constructive and appropriate role in their own learning, the learning of their peers and in the development of their school communities. Protecting and enhancing the right of children and young people to be heard and participate meaningfully in decisions that affect their lives is a key duty of the state in a democratic society and is, therefore, a particularly important principle in the context of the state’s responsibilities for ensuring universal access to well funded & high quality education. (NASUWT 2011)
Read what impact ‘Change Teams’ have had on teaching & learning on subjects at KA’s Discuss: What is the difference between student voice and ‘Change Teams’ & How do you involve students in decision making and having a say at your School
PE Change Team to Whole College Traditional student voice PE Change Team evolved (YST Change Team residential) Huge benefits to PE – Students, Staff and Department Aim: Expand out to all Departments across the College
Barriers & Solutions BarrierSolution Opportunity to explain to Curriculum Co- ordinators the vision launched the idea to CC’s with the Leadership Team backing Curriculum Co-ordinators – no time for initiative Motivated subject teachers Teacher’s valuing the benefitsPE Change Team - Impact on Ofsted (outstanding). Influence Quick wins Staff – Not knowing what to doSupport, regular meetings Selecting studentsTeacher invite – application process Staff not having time to meet with Change Team Students independently run the meetings. Facebook, VLE Low profile in the CollegeSee next slide
Raising the Profile of Change Teams across the School Leadership Team Hoodies Boards Assembly Logos Slogan Quick Wins Staff/Parent Bulletin Student Benefits/rewards Whole College conference
Change Team Conference 100+ students invited Each Change Team teacher invited for 1 period in the day YST Representative – Julie Gompertz
VIP Guest - Chris Cook (Olympic Swimmer) Headteacher inspirational speech and support Leadership Team invited for lunch with staff Other students were asking what was going on
Rewards / Benefits for students to create student interest Power to make changes on behalf of student body Hoodies instead of College jumper Registration time off for ‘Change Team’ meeting Personal Development – Confidence, leadership CV Opportunities – (hub site, conference) Meet Olympians, Rugby world cup player
Embedded across the Curriculum So popular that student’s have to sign a contract designed by students that they have to abide to – HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF WHAT IS EXPECTED Students apply to become a ‘Change Team’ member if a space occurs.
Impact to Teaching & Learning Moving forward (once Departments were on board) Needed to give staff/students focus Worked on the Departments Development Plan
Student Independently drive change Action Plans Meetings Contract Facebook Page VLE Blogging Feedback to staff at Department meetings What can you do to create an environment where students actively drive positive changes to T&L
Write down 3 action points that you are going to do when you get back to School to drive ‘Change Teams’: In PE OR across School