Curriculum for Excellence The Senior Phase 16+ Learning Choices National Network Meeting 22 January 2010 George Smuga Scottish Government
Why Curriculum for Excellence? Curriculum for Excellence is about driving forward improvements in learning and teaching to improve the life chances of young people and ensure they have the skills and knowledge they need for learning, life and work in the 21 st century
Curriculum Design in CfE Building the Curriculum 3 sets out the following framework: A broad general education from 3 to 15 A senior phase which follows from this in which “Every young person is entitled to continue to develop the 4 capacities and also obtain qualifications.”
The Senior Phase “The Senior Phase of a young person’s education follows their broad general education, which takes them to the end of S3 or equivalent. The Senior Phase can be characterised as that which takes place in the final stages of compulsory education and beyond, normally ages 15/16 to 18. “- “Curriculum for Excellence – Senior Phase” – Management Board Discussion Paper
Entitlements All young people can expect the following entitlements: A coherent curriculum The opportunity to obtain qualifications The opportunity to continue to develop within the four capacities The opportunity to continue to develop skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work The opportunity to continue to develop literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing Personal support Support in moving into positive and sustained destinations
National Context for Delivery Predicted increase in young people choosing to stay at school Increased diversity in the young people choosing to stay at school Effect of the recession on unemployment among young people A more flexible, learner-centred approach
Key National Indicator Increase in the proportion of school leavers from Scottish publicly funded schools in positive and sustained destinations (FE, HE, employment or training) “16+ Learning Choices is our model for ensuring that all young people have a suitable offer of post-16 learning” – Senior Phase MB discussion paper
Policy Background Building the Curriculum 3 – A Framework for Learning and Teaching Building the Curriculum 4 – Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and skills for Work Building the Curriculum 5 - A Framework for Assessment CfE Management Board endorsed discussion papers on: - Senior Phase - S1 –S6 Progression Through Qualifications “Working Out – report on work-related learning” - HMIE
Key Features – (1)Partnership Working “For many young people school will continue to be the main deliverer of the Senior Phase. However in order to make real the CfE principles this will increasingly involve partnerships with a range of other providers” “The curriculum should be planned in a coherent way with partner agencies to provide a full range of opportunities to meet the needs of all young people” – Senior Phase MB discussion Paper
Key Features – (2) Support “All young people should have appropriate support wherever they learn.” “Effective support involves a range of adults who work in partnership with others.” “An essential feature of effective support must include opportunities for young people to be involved in planning and reflecting on their own learning.” - Senior Phase MB discussion paper
Key Features – (3) Opening Up the Delivery of Learning “In the Senior Phase all young people can expect the entitlements set out in BtC3 to be delivered, whatever their individual needs and wherever their learning is taking place” “Not all young people will be in school during this phase and it is essential they are able to realise their entitlements wherever their learning is taking place. Learning providers including schools, colleges, work based training, community learning and development and other non-formal settings will contribute to this”. - Senior Phase MB discussion paper
Key Features – (4) Learner at the Centre Programmes require to be planned flexibly to meet the needs of the learner and designed to offer progression pathways to the next stage – further or higher education, training or employment Recognition that young people will access learning in the senior phase in a variety of contexts including school
Opening Up Delivery of Learning For A Learner In The Senior Phase A programme of study might be composed of a mix of the following: study for qualifications in base school over one or two years courses might be delivered more flexibly in a more compressed period of time; a student may spend part of their time in a neighbouring school or college; courses might be delivered through a virtual learning environment students will have opportunities to further develop the four capacities some students may undertake an internship with employers – some students may undertake voluntary service to support local community volunteer groups. employment may form a part of the programme – impact of the Work Experience review Youth work and CLD will provide important opportunities and experiences for learners
A Learner – centred Programme with Partner Delivery to meet the Young Person’s Needs David has found school difficult – his attendance has been poor and he has struggled to achieve up to the third curriculum level during his first three years of secondary He did find his Skills for Work course in catering in S3 interesting and always attended college for this It was agreed to delay his Literacy and Numeracy qualifications until S4 In S4 he is studying a range of National 4 Qualifications in school and a further Skills for Work course at college He is also doing a work placement in the canteen at a local secondary school To help improve his literacy and numeracy he is doing a course with community learning development To develop his self-confidence he is doing a Duke of Edinburgh award through his school and through a local youth development worker
A Glimpse of the Future Timetable?