Project Based Learning What, Why & How. Objectives for Today Have you experience the beginning of a project (= Making your own project) Analyze your experience,


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Presentation transcript:

Project Based Learning What, Why & How

Objectives for Today Have you experience the beginning of a project (= Making your own project) Analyze your experience, and construct an understanding of what PBL is Provide some What, Why, and How about PBL

THE BUCK INSTITUTE Conducts research on effectiveness of PBL strategies in the classroom. Developed a series of PBL units for Economics and is developing units for other Social Studies subjects. Developed a PBL Handbook to help teachers create their own PBL units. The principles behind the BIE model for PBL instruction are based on the approach used by Dr. Howard Barrows while at McMaster University in the 1960's to train medical students.

PBL vs. DOING PROJECTS Projects: Large activities completed after the students have been pushed through homework assignments, lectures, and readings. Usually a culminating event for a unit or semester. Textbook Activity Lecture Writing Exercise Peer Edit Textbook Activity Culminating Project

PBL vs. DOING PROJECTS PBL: Students are pulled through the curriculum by a driving question or realistic problem that provides a “need to know”. Lectures, readings, and skill building are integrated into the problem as the students need the information. Know/ Need to Know

PBL SUMMARY The project drives the curriculum by creating a need for the students to know the content Students work more autonomously on real or realistic work that has high stakes Evaluation is made more authentic with performance based measurements and is often conducted with the help of non- teachers

Why Do PBL? Teaches other skills Integrative Authenticity Connections outside the classroom Relevance Differentiates

PBL Teaches More than just Content Final products often involve presentation Students most frequently work in groups Application requires more sophisticated, critical thinking Students must regulate themselves

PBL often involves integration of ideas Consider either Content Session project: –Math –Science –Physical Geography –Social Studies –Writing

PBL is more Authentic and Relevant Work in a project is closer to the way that people outside of school solve problems Students in a PBL classroom rarely ask, “When are we ever going to use this?” Skills developed in a PBL classroom can be used anywhere

PBL facilitates differentiation Heterogeneous grouping can “spread the wealth” Student groups often write contracts… and determine who does what. Adept students can benefit by instructing and leading


BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND What do we want our students to know and be able to do? State Content Standards School Wide Learning Outcomes

BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND Where are the standards and skills you are trying to teach applied in the real world? What realistic scenario can you create that would require the skills and knowledge you are trying to teach?

CRAFT THE DRIVING QUESTION The Driving Question is what makes a project intriguing, complex, and problematic.

CRAFT THE DRIVING QUESTION Driving Questions are provocative are open-ended go to the heart of a discipline or topic are consistent with curricular standards and frameworks are challenging arise from real world situations that students find interesting acts as a light house to keep you, the project designer, on course

PLAN THE ASSESSMENT What product(s) could demonstrate what the students have learned? FINAL PRODUCTS SUB-ASSIGNMENTS PROCESS DOCUMENTS

THE FINAL PRODUCT Final Products Should… require students to understand, synthesize, and apply the project’s outcomes. exemplify project outcomes in an authentic way. be relevant and interesting to students. give students the opportunity to demonstrate and reflect on their learning.


SUB ASSIGNMENTS - Scaffolding PBL methodology does not exclude the use of traditional assignments like homework, journals, research, or even note taking. BUT…these traditional assignments should have context within the larger project. Students should see a clear connection between the assignment and the project. The NEED TO KNOW should drive these assignments. Reminder:

DEVELOP ASSESSMENT RUBRICS Design rubrics for content AND broader learning outcomes. Rubrics should articulate the various performance levels. Rubrics MUST be handed out in the early stages of the project when they can be used to set expectations.


MAP THE PROJECT 1.Organize tasks and activities 2.Decide how to launch the project 3.Gather resources 4.Draw a story board

MAP THE PROJECT 1.Organize tasks and activities 2.Decide how to launch the project 3.Gather resources 4.Draw a story board

ENTRY EVENT The entry event document should accomplish four things… 1.Hook the students 2.Give students their role 3.Lay out project or problem to be completed or solved 4.Give clues for the students to research and ask questions about

MANAGE THE PROCESS Managing a PBL environment is not too much different than managing a team of employees

TEACHER’S ROLE Group student appropriately Orient students to the goals of the project Organize the project daily by defining the scope of inquiry Clarify everything Monitor and regulate student behavior Manage the workflow Evaluate success and reflect on learning

EVALUATING YOUR PROJECT The Six A’s of PBL Authenticity Academic Rigor Applied Learning Active Exploration Adult Connections Assessment Practices


THINGS TO CONSIDER Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater You still get to lecture You still have to assign homework You still need resources like textbooks and literature You still have our students write essays and research papers But more often than not, these traditional strategies should be used in the context of a project or problem the students are working on

THINGS TO CONSIDER Scope Student Control and Choice Student Autonomy The Six A’s What makes for effective and manageable projects? CAUTION: Stay small, stay focused