Future Links – Health and Education Changes within education
Since 2010 Radical change No clear planning Outcomes uncertain Competition Private sector
Academies Autonomy – from LA Freedom from national curriculum Academy Chains – own loyalties – back office ….
Reducing Influence of LA Go back to 2008 – joined up thinking Children’s Services Area working Inter agency
LA Loss of funding Loss of personnel Loss of ‘memory’ Residual responsibilities but little power to support Reduced level of support for schools e.g. Ed. Psych. This makes it harder to sustain the links with other organisations e.g. Health
OFSTED Increased pressure – satisfactory not good enough Narrowed focus on key out comes driving judgements- at secondary = 5+A*-C inc English and Maths
Competition vs. collaboration Need for schools to continue to collaborate as part of the local education system E.g. transition Raising Achievement Plans
The Self Improving System National Government The School Middle Tier (Compact ) Strategic Managerial Operational Key Building Blocks and Lateral Collaboration
9 The Compact Formally launched in 2011 in response to the changing nature of the education landscape A significant partnership involving schools, academies, early years providers and the Local Authority Led by schools, on behalf of education providers in Somerset The main body for consulting on, shaping and directing policies and service provision in relation to schools. The Compact is intended to be a vehicle for joint working to ensure access to high quality education for all children and young people in Somerset
COMPACT – The Ark School facing services Legal entity – the ARK ? Recycle money within Somerset Schools are the key stakeholders
Primary Reduction of School Improvement Support has had major impact on School to School working, both geographically and statistically A need for schools to collaborate and take more responsibility for children's progress Sharing of Data for comparative purposes Age Profile of Primary Head Teachers
Secondary Academy changes/chains Possible reorganisations Threat of new funding formula Competition/viability Somerset Challenge
Education / Health Healthy schools – how can we maintain the progress which was made by the initiative ? Every time a crisis occurs – people talk of the need for agencies to work closer together ? What are the key issues? What forums should be developed to enable this to happen Strategic and operational
Children and Families Bill
Legislation – Key Highlights New requirement for LAs, health and care services to commission services jointly LAs to publish a clear, transparent ‘local offer’ of services, so parents and young people can understand what is available More streamlined assessment process, coordinated across education, health and care, and involves children and young people and their families throughout
Legislation – Key Highlights (2) New 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan, replacing the current system of Statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments A new duty on health commissioners to deliver the health elements of EHC plans Option of a personal budget for families and young people New statutory protections for young people aged in FE A stronger focus on preparing for adulthood Academies, Free Schools, Further Education and Sixth Form colleges to have the same SEN duties as maintained schools
Legislation – Key Highlights (2) New 0-25 Education, Health and Care Plan, replacing the current system of Statements and Learning Difficulty Assessments A new duty on health commissioners to deliver the health elements of EHC plans Option of a personal budget for families and young people New statutory protections for young people aged in FE A stronger focus on preparing for adulthood Academies, Free Schools, Further Education and Sixth Form colleges to have the same SEN duties as maintained schools