The Development Framework will give you tools & guidance to help you develop to your full potential and provide the best care for patients, families and communities
DF Individual Portfolio and Development Documentation GCPLARRDG CAREERS MAIN DF WEB PAGE Portfolio documentation Register and obtain individual user name and password – user name may be given to Manager/Supervisor for Annual Review/Supervision purposes
DF Individual Portfolio and Development Documentation GCPLARRDG CAREERS Individual DF Web Page Portfolio documentation Use GCP as base and add limited number of other performance indicators peculiar to individual role to produce an individualised Profile (for stand alone use or in conjunction with NHS KSF post outline if applicable) Domain 1Communication and Interpersonal Relationships Performance Indicators for all and more senior roles Domain 2 Care Provision and Management Performance Indicators for all and more senior roles Domain3Developing Self and Others Performance Indicators for all and more senior roles And so on Self assess using Rating Tool Performance Indicator 1- 5 based on how often this performance indicator relevant to this role is displayed 5=good performance 1= failing performance Self assess using Rating Tool Performance Indicator 1- 5 based on how often this performance indicator relevant to this role is displayed 5=good performance 1= failing performance User Name to Manager To agree Individual Competency Profile and performance indicators and rate performance for use within annual review/supervision session User Name to Manager To agree Individual Competency Profile and performance indicators and rate performance for use within annual review/supervision session From identified areas for performance enhancement construct Personal Development Plan Individual Portfolio : Name DF Individual Competency Profile (builds on NHS KSF template) Identifies areas for competency/performance improvement
Constructing your profile GCP WEB PAGE Domain 7 Domain 6 Domain 2 Additional indicators can be added, specific to role Domain 5 Domain 4 Domain 3 Domain 1 N/ADesirableEssentialPerformance Indicators from:
Using the GCP as a rating tool GCP WEB PAGE Performance indicators appropriate to your role √ √ √ √ Self assess using Rating Tool Based on how often this performance indicator is displayed 5 = nearly always 4 = often 3 = sometimes 2 = seldom 1 = never Self assess using Rating Tool Based on how often this performance indicator is displayed 5 = nearly always 4 = often 3 = sometimes 2 = seldom 1 = never
Identifying areas for improvement GCP WEB PAGE DomainsAverage score Performance indicatorsSpecific score Set your own cut-off point for essential and desirable indicators e.g. essential may be over 4 = often, whereas desirable may be over 3 = sometimes. A list of performance indicators falling below the cut-off point will be generated. Set your own cut-off point for essential and desirable indicators e.g. essential may be over 4 = often, whereas desirable may be over 3 = sometimes. A list of performance indicators falling below the cut-off point will be generated.
GCP WEB PAGE GCPLARRDG CAREERS Portfolio documentation PDP Identifying a learning activity from the LAR relating to specific performance indicator(s). Selection from the LAR should be based on an assessment of preferred learning style.
INDIVIDUAL DF WEBPAGE GCPLARRDG CAREERS DF Individual Portfolio and Development Documentation Portfolio documentation Learning Activities Resource Mentoring Professional Forum Provides a description of the learning activity for entry into PDP for example Lecture DF Individual Portfolio: xx xxxx Personal Development Plan X year Mentoring Lecture Forum Details of arrangements to include: Expected Learning outcomes & Evaluation of actual learning & development, & reflect how applied.
MAIN DF WEBPAGE GCPLARRDG CAREERS DF Individual Portfolio and Development Documentation Portfolio documentation Career Resource – stand alone and/or part of own portfolio APPLICATION AND INTERVIEW RESOURCE CAREER ASSESSMENT GUIDE Generic Career Pathways Curriculum Vitae Guidance Interview Preparation Guide Portfolio: xx xxxx DF Individual Career Analysis
MAIN DF WEBPAGE GCPLARRDG CAREERS DF Individual Portfolio and Development Documentation Portfolio documentation Role Development Guide Pull down RDG for individual use Provides a tool to consider the structured development of significantly different or new roles – may be used stand alone and /or be included for reference in own portfolio Individual Name and Date: DF ROLE DEVELOPMENT GUIDE EIGHT ASPECTS FOR CONSIDERATIONINDIVIDUAL ROLE INFORMATION 1.Assessing the Need for Role Development Driving forces for the role development are explored. Service objectives are clearly stated - in terms of benefits to patients/clients and the organisation 2.Planning for Role Development An option appraisal to address the service objectives has been explored. All relevant stakeholders have been identified. A communication strategy has been produced. The impact of the role development on other roles has been assessed. All resource requirements have been identified. The lifespan of the role development has been agreed – i.e. pilot, temporary or permanent. The evaluation strategy for the role development has been agreed. 3.Type of Role Development The competencies required have been agreed. The availability of nurses or midwives with the required competencies has been determined. etc..
MAIN DF WEBPAGE GCPLARRDG CAREERS DF Individual Portfolio and Development Documentation Portfolio documentation Biographical and qualifications pages Personal Development Plan pages Portfolio Documentation Planned and Ad Hoc Learning activities
Create Your Own Portfolio What is a portfolio? How can my portfolio benefit me? How should I reflect? What should I put into my portfolio? Show me examples I don’t know where to start Main DF WEB PAGE
Biographical info Recording Evidence & Reflections My career analysis My competency profile My personal development plan My reflective learning record Individual DF WEB PAGE My role development
Portfolio: xx xxxx Biographical Information Portfolio: xx xxxx Individual Career Analysis Individual Portfolio : xx xxxx Individual Competency Profile Individual Portfolio: xx xxxx Personal Development Profile X year Individual Portfolio: xx xxxx Role Development Guide Individual Portfolio: xx xxxx Portfolio Reflective Learning Record Specific Learning Activity Record of individual learning outcome Record ad hoc learning outcome Ad hoc learning Activity DF Individual Portfolio and Development Documentation GCPLARRDG CAREERS Portfolio documentation