Adult & Community Learning in Partnership with Newton–le-Willows Primary School photograph could go here
Dads and Kids Pilot Project Summer 2005 photograph could go here
Becoming men friendly! If you want to engage with men you need to be gender differentiated.
What does that mean? Gender differentiated centres regard men as different to women and provide different experiences for men in order to attract them to the services.
Men as learners 87% of dads want to play a more active role in their childs life – but dont know how. Dads get lost in the term parents. Men want no frills, no chat. Men want practical interactive activities involving their children.
Where? Outdoor and indoor provision. Evening availability. Open and welcoming atmosphere. Support and enthusiasm from venue staff.
When? 3 sessions Tuesday evenings – 8.00.p.m.
Who? Y2 and Y3 children Father figures dads, grandads, step-dads, uncles, older brothers, friends etc.
Partners School staff St. Helens Rangers Road Safety Unit Sports Development Team Healthy Living Programme Dental Health Programme Community Police
Our logo!
Week 3 Sports Development Team Indoor sports activities
Dental Health activities ICT Creative activities Board Games Finale: Our song
What next? Everyone wants Dads and Kids to continue. 14 dads said they are willing to be involved in organising more sessions. A meeting is planned in October to discuss future plans.