Measuring Impact
Retention & Achievement Strategy Have a strategy – know where you want to get to – set clear targets that all staff understand – we have already identified where we want to be at the next inspection Learner Support is only one piece in the jigsaw - our strategy identifies a number of key priorities which include Delivery of off the job training and tech certs in house where possible Dedicated recruitment team Improved initial assessment to include testing for basic skills Improved delivery of basic skills Up front delivery of key skills Dedicated learner support staff Improved learner tracking mechanisms Improved target setting in learner reviews Regular customer feedback Continuous professional development for staff Development and use of the MIS system Restructuring the care team Matrix standard accreditation Improved employer understanding of their roles and responsibilities
The use of Mi is generally good in many areas, with many staff having the ability to monitor progress against targets and use data to manage their training. (Inspection Report April 2005) Have a baseline – know where you are starting from – and know the story behind the data Present data in a visual format – make sure that staff are familiar with it and can talk about it Produce key reports which measure the impact of your strategies – publicise them widely – notice boards, intranet etc Key Points
Year on Year Early Leaver Comparisons
Business Admin Early Leaver Profile
Learner Support Visits
Learner Support Success (Learners still on programme or completed)
Early Leaver Drop Out Profile (%)
Early Leaver Drop Out Profile (Nos)
Programme Comparisons
Success Rates – Trend Analysis 03/04 National Rate31%