Fractions into Decimals 3/5 2/8 1/5
Fractions into Decimals DIVIDE Fraction Decimal 3/5 2/8 1/5
Fractions into Percents Decimal Percent 4/7 3/9 2/5
Fractions into Percents DIVIDE MULTIPLY BY 100 Fraction Decimal Percent 4/7 3/9 2/5
Word Problems In a recent election, 5/8 of the voters in a town approved of the job the mayor was doing. What percent of the town is 5/8?
Opposite: Percents into Fractions Decimal Percent Percent Decimal Fraction 70% 2) 35% 3) 4%
Opposite: Percents into Fractions MULTIPLY DIVIDE Fraction Decimal Percent Place over 10, 100, or 1000 - REDUCE DIVIDE Percent Decimal Fraction 70% 2) 35% 3) 4%
PRACTICE PROBLEMS Change each fraction into a decimal 1/3 2/8 Change each fraction into a percent 3/7 12/16
PRACTICE PROBLEMS Change each percent into a fraction 12% 8% 82%