The Loft Writing Center Plus is an on- campus, drop-in tutoring center, offering NSCC students free coaching in writing, reading, speaking, listening, and language acquisition.
The Loft is located on the second floor of the Library, overlooking the center of campus. Our space is wheelchair accessible.
When you visit The Loft, you’ll work with a friendly staff of experienced tutors, of varied occupations and academic backgrounds. All our tutors take part in ongoing training and pursue their work with professional interest.
The Loft Writing Center Plus serves the entire NSCC community. If you are enrolled at the college, our services to you are free.
Visit us so we can help you... Brainstorm ideas for class assignments. Recognize personal needs for writing improvement. Develop strategies for composing and revising. Edit and proofread your own writing. Read more critically. Increase your vocabulary. Sharpen your speaking skill. Improve your understanding of a second (or 3rd, or 4th) language.
Also at The Loft... Computer programs for practicing English and other world languages. Interactive software for improving your English grammar, mechanics, and sentence structure. Opportunities to form or join tutor-led study groups devoted to writing, speaking, reading, and world languages.
We’re open during hours that suit most student schedules. Monday - Thursday 8:30am - 6:30pm Friday 8:30am - 1:30pm Sunday 12:30pm - 4:30pm
Try our online tutoring service. It’s simple to use, and always available. We treat online requests as thoughtfully as live ones.
Friendly people Personal attention Language skills you can use Full range of services Great location
That’s The Loft Writing Center Plus Stop by and see us!
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